Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

We're standing in front of his dorm room door. I'm a little nervous, but I'm trying to be positive. Tony takes out his key and unlocks the door, opening it and revealing his roommate. He was playing a video game with headphones in and muttering to himself. I think it's Call of Duty or something, he's shooting at zombies I think.

"Guys c'mon! What the hell are you- NO!" The roommate groans as he is devoured by zombies.

Tony bursts out laughing and enters the room, I follow cautiously behind him. The room was pretty big and honestly reminded me of a studio apartment. There were two lofts, one on the left and the other on the right. Both had tv's and PS3s and Xboxs I think... I'm not completely sure since I don't have any games. There was also a couch behind the lofts by the window. On the other side of the room were a couple cabinets, a counter with a microwave... It was insane, this room had its own bathroom unlike the other building that had a community bathroom. I'm kind of jealous honestly, but I'm still grateful for even attending this school. Beggars can't be choosers after all...

The roommate turns to us with a cute scowl on his face and I couldn't resist smiling because of how absolutely gorgeous he is.

He has dark brown hair that looks pretty soft actually...,pale blue eyes, and light tan skin. He also has a bit of a beard from probably not shaving in a week, but if anything it made him look better somehow. I remember seeing him sometimes on the soccer field (he was the star soccer player for the school) and it would be kind of funny seeing all the girls swooning over him. Especially when he took his shirt off, but I couldn't help but internally agree with the girls as well because of his six pack and his height of about six feet. His parents are huge actors and he somewhat took after them by doing some shows with small roles, but mostly focused on school which was really nice compared to other famous kids.

"Shut up Tony like you could get to level 30."

"The game just came out dude! I haven't had time to play much!" Tony pouted and plopped onto his papasan chair. "So Nathan meet our new friend, Lucca!"

I kind of freeze up feeling pretty awkward and extend my hand out toward Nathan. My cheeks are flushed and my heart is racing from anxiety. Honestly, I feel pretty dumb for being this nervous, but these 'friends' are still very much strangers to me. Good looking ones..., but strangers.

Nathan gives me a small faint smile and shakes my hand, "How's it going, man?"

My cheeks continue to burn pink, "I'm ok... You?" I go take a seat on the couch and Nathan swivels to look at me.

"Could be better if my teammates didn't completely suck ass."

Tony chuckles and I guess Nathan's teammates were shouting at him because Nathan's headphones blared a couple different voices.

"You know we don't all have time to play like you," Tony sighs and turns on his tv. "Why don't you take a break Nate so Lucca doesn't feel left out. We can watch a movie or a show or something. I don't know... Do you have Netflix, Lucca?"

"What?" I ask, looking confused.

"Netflix...?" Nathan asks slowly like I didn't hear the first time.

"I have no idea what that even is though..."

"We can fix that," Nathan smiles and looks seriously at Tony, "Do we have binge snacks and pop?"

Tony's face goes from grinning to sheepish, "Well, I might've had an online gaming sesh last weekend while you were gone and..."

"Fatass..." Nathan mutters and gets up from his chair, walking over to the counter and grabbing some keys, "Let's go guys."

"W-what?" I ask, nervous.

"Let's go to Walmart for some snacks." Nathan says with a shrug, "I mean we could also hit up an In N' Out on our way back too while we watch some Netflix."

"I'm sorry, I don't have any money. I can go back to my-"

"Nope!" Tony interrupts me, "I can pay for you."

I felt super uncomfortable, "No really-"

"Uh Lucca... I don't think you're going to win," Nathan says, approaching the door, "C'mon let's get going."

I sigh in defeat and get going.


I yawn as Nathan opens the door to his room and lets me in. Nathan and Tony were chattering about video games and grinning about their Walmart haul. I go plop onto the couch as I have now given up with fighting back and continue to be Tony's hostage.

"Here's your In N' Out," Nathan hands me and I take it, opening up the bag and grabbing my burger.

Tony turns on the TV and boots up Netflix. I watch him scroll through the movies available until he stops at one in particular and grins from ear to ear.

" 'Baby Momma'!" He cheers and presses play.

"Excuse me?" I choke and stop eating.

Nathan is laughing and I flush pink from embarrassment.

"Yeah! I mean unfortunate timing for you, but like this movie is so fucking funny," Tony smiles.

"By the way..." Nathan says slowly and somewhat cautiously, "I was wondering how that whole pregnancy thing with you worked..."

"Well... Uhm..." I stutter because I haven't talked about this with anyone except my doctor, "So, I'm pregnant for nine months. I experience similar symptoms like morning sickness, pregnancy brain, and other stuff I guess. So far I've been told that I won't be able to breastfeed, thank God... And I'll need a C-section which really scares me."

"Is it true that it's Jason's?" Nathan asks as he eats his fries.

"Totes true!" Tony answers as he plops into his chair.

Nathan rolls his eyes and continues to look at me, still expecting an answer.

"Uhm... yeah. Unfortunately it's true. Before you ask, no... He completely refuses to help me and his parents have made it very clear I stay away from him..."

"That's crazy... Then again, I'm not surprised though because of how crazy powerful his parents are... My mom and his parents used to be close friends," He quickly explains, "When he'd come over, he'd be kind of a jerk because he was smarter than me."

"Heh... This whole thing proved that I'm an idiot..."

"Nah dude... This isn't your fault. I mean this happens to girls all the time, right? It's the dad's fault for skipping. My dad walked out on my mom and I when I was like 2. Now though, he wants to come into my life because he's 'sorry', but I know he just sees my pictures at the mall." Tony says casually and swipes a fry from Nathan who glares at first, then sighs.

"Yeah... Tony knows my dad is kind of an asshole. He dumped my mom for some chick when I was 8. The worst part was seeing the scandal dominate the magazines and having the paparazzi all in my face," Nathan shrugs as he tells us his experience.

"I'm really sorry if I've bummed you out guys... I really appreciate you guys trying to make me feel better by shar-" I apologize until Nathan interrupts me.

"You're not, trust me. I'm over it and so is Tony," Nathan says with a smile.

"Thanks to therapy and eating our feelings!" Tony cheers and high fives Nathan.

I kinda laugh and feel myself smile faintly for a second. Wow... I couldn't believe how crazy today ended up being... One moment I was feeling alone in the library and the next... I feel happy... I guess I have to unfortunately continue to remind myself that... nothing is forever and when the school year ends, who knows if I'll see them ever again. I've been hurt too much to trust that anyone will stay long. I think the only exception to this rule would be my baby... For now though... I'll appreciate these happy moments for as long as I can...

'Thank you Tony...' I think to myself as we relax and watch the movie 'Baby Momma' with them.

Baby Daddy :) Wait... Mommy?! (COMPLETED)  [RE-WRITE 2019]Where stories live. Discover now