21~ Dancing in the Rain

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It's been almost two weeks since we got back from vacation and I've done nothing but hang out with Remi, Lena, and the boys. Our group has gotten extremely big. It was just me and my brothers before we moved here. Now it's me, Remi, Lena, my brothers, Will, and the other five boys and summer when she gets back. She won't come back until the week before school starts. It's been a crazy summer and I couldn't be happier.

Will picked me up for some "snowflake time" as he called it. He said he wanted to just hang out with me.

"So a week until your birthday, are you excited to be seventeen?" He asked as we drove in his truck. We were in our way to get ice cream floats from Riley's. The sky was cloudy and looked like it would rain soon. I didn't mind because I loved the smell of rain.

I shrugged. "It's just a birthday. I don't want much."

"Snowflake, it's your birthday. A day to celebrate you and only you, aren't you just a tad bit excited? What do you normally do for your birthday?"

I shrugged. "We never did much. The boys tried their best to make my birthday special. They make me chocolate chip pancakes and give me presents and we hang out all day. My mom was never around for our birthdays, even before my parents were divorced. They try to make it feel special, but when the one person you've wanted there your entire life never shows up, you don't feel very special" I looked down at my hands in my lap.

"Hey" he said softly as he put a hand on mine. "It's okay. I know you have had a hard time with your mom and I know you say you're over it, but you can come talk to me anytime."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Thank you" I whispered and kissed his cheek softly.

A car honk brought back to reality. We were at a light that had been red and turned green. We both laughed and will drive off. I wiped my tear filled eyes.

We pulled into Riley's parking lot. It was really empty, probably due to the weather. The sun wasn't out but it was glorious outside. I took a deep breath of the rain air.

Will held the door open for me as we walked into Riley's.

"Two of your best Root beer floats please" Will asked the cashier.

"That'll be $4.20." She said with a bored look on her face. "It'll be ready shortly." She said.

Will nodded and put the extra eighty cents in the tip jar. We went to find a place to sit. The place was empty besides the few employees that are working right now. It's the first time I've seen this place without any customers. We sat at a table with a couple chairs.

"It looks gloomy in here" I pointed out to Will.

"How can that be you're in here?" He joked slightly. A red tint brushed across my face.

"I'm serious Will" I whined but a smile found its way on my face.

He just laughed in response.

"Two root beer floats" the cashier said in the same bored tone.

Will got up to grab them from the pick up area. He handed me mine and we dug in happily. We started saying dad jokes and it just kept going.

"Why do bees have sticky hair?" He asked.

"Why?" I asked already regretting it.

"Because they use honey combs" he laughs. 

I laughed despite the fact that that was one of the worst dad jokes I've heard.

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