11 - Adam

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Master Yelk shut the book with a loud thud, making dust dance in the sun that was streaming in through the greenhouse windows. "Herbonomics. The study of herbs."

This would normally be the part where Adam would tune out, shut down, stop listening. But he was determined to try in Sesstria. He was being given a clean slate and he was going to take advantage of it, he would be the model student.

He leaned forward on his desk, trying to avoid looking out the window. Windows were the enemy of education, the enemy of his education, at least as far as he was concerned.

"This class is not purely theoretical." Yelk stopped. The small, greasy man nodded to himself. "Indeed, that is part of it, of course, but, also, it will teach you how to interact with the flora around you. Not just the plants native to Sesstria, mind you. But stuff you can find all over the planet. We have a very diverse culture of species in our greenhouses."

He looked around the room, his eyes resting on Adam and Chris. Yelk smiled, kindly and warmly. "Now, I understand that there are some students in this class who will be dealing with everything for the first time and have very little experience with these types of things. If you are confused about anything, anything at all, do not hesitate to ask for further explanation or seek help after class." He gave them another smirk and then put the book down on the podium in front of him.

Landel hadn't been exaggerating. It seemed that everyone did know about their situation. Adam could feel the eyes of his classmates on him, on them. They were novelty items. Adam tried to ignore it.

Yelk opened the book and ran his finger over one of the pages. "213."

Everyone around them opened their books, and Adam followed their lead, turning to page 213.

This time he was going to do it right. This time he was going to concentrate.

And he actually did. The class was two hours, but he listened to every single word Master Yelk said. It was mostly just basic theory about the cycle of the sun and the effect of soul on plants, but it was... actually interesting. Several times throughout the class, Adam found himself leaning forward, actively listening, not even forcing himself. Chris, the other person at his desk, seemed bored through most of it. He absorbed school shit a lot easier, though.

When the class was done and Yelk had dismissed them, they got up, picked up their books, and walked through the maze of greenhouses.

It was a huge complex just outside of the school, attached to the side of the castle like a parasite. Golden, hazy light drifted in from all around them as the scent of nature filled Adam's nostrils.

"Well... what did you think about your first class?" Landel said, walking up besides Adam. The Prince had seemed a little more subdued the last day or so, like something was bothering him. Probably the razor attack, that seemed to be on most peoples minds.

"Just like class at home," Chris said. "Boring."

Adam shrugged. "Man, I don't think so. All this shit is so different, the plants and stuff. It's pretty interesting to listen to."

"Glad to hear it." Landel gave him that wide smile for the first time since they had come to the Academy.

"We're on the same level as you in Herbonomics," Vinton said. "This is our first year studying it. And I guess it's our last year too."

"So we can all learn it together, yeah?" Landel said.

Chris laughed. "All I know is that you have trees here, and we have those at home too. Everything else is a mystery."

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