34 - Adam

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It was just them, Landel and Adam, like it had been hundreds of times. They were sitting at that large table in the corner of the bar, drinking lass and talking. There was lingering tension, at least one that Adam felt. He still hadn't completely forgiven the man, but it seemed that with every minute, every hour, his anger about the bet was getting smaller and smaller.

The bar was slowly emptying. It was late and most people had already stumbled out the door. The bartenders kept glancing over in their direction, probably waiting for them to leave as well, which Adam understood. It was late, they probably wanted to go home.

But Adam wasn't feeling super tired. Even after the long day they had had.

"Maybe we should go back," Adam said. "It's late."

Landel swallowed his last sip and smiled, tapping the glass on the table. "Might be a good idea. But I really don't want this day to be over." He turned to Adam, his smile only growing. "Been one of the best i've ever had."

Adam guffawed. "You're just saying that."

"I'm being completely serious. I've missed this."

It was hard to disagree. "I've missed this too." Landel's face lit up. He picked up his glass, swished around the final bit of lass and then chugged it, hitting the cup back on the table. Adam laughed. "You ready to go, then?"

Landel swallowed again, speaking hoarsely. "I think so."

They stood up, walking side by side, waved to the bartender, and left. It was very late, the night had settled and festered over Sesstria while they were in the bar. The moon glared down at them, as though admonishing them for being out so late. The wind blew through the empty streets. Not a soul was in sight.

It was strange how fast Adam had come to see Sesstria as his home. People adapted, but he had never thought he would get over being in a completely different world. But the cobbled streets and the sturdy brick houses of Hilltown, and the large castle that rose in the distance, it was all so familiar to him now. It was impossible to think of it as anything other than home.

The Academy and The Razor's Tail, his room in the castle and the stretch of forest that ran from Sesstria to the Academy, all of it had been his life for the last few months. Sometimes he forgot what his old home was like, what his old life was like.

Maybe that was for the best. They weren't going anywhere until they fixed the Goddess, and nobody knew how long that was going to take. His mom would forget about him long before he got back. She  would move on. They would declare the four of them dead, and everyone would be better off for it. They might as well have been dead, as far as their families were concerned.

And Evelyn would find another boyfriend, someone sweet and nice, someone who would treat her well. And, even if Adam managed to find his way back, he would never make Evelyn choose between them. He would move on, just as she would.

Landel and Adam skirted around the houses, weaving up towards the castle. Adam enjoyed the comfortable silence between them.

"I think my dad still suspects us, but I think he's gotten over it," Landel said.

Adam stuck his hands in his pockets. "Good. It's been months."

"That man can hold grudges, you'll see."

Adam laughed. "I hope I don't. I--"

His breath stopped, though. The temperature dropped. His voice misted out in front of him, and his heart skipped.

Shadow casting.

He had no time to warn Landel, though, the man was a few paces ahead, and when Adam tried to speak, nothing came out of his mouth. He reached up, but couldn't touch his lips, something was in front of them. He tried to rip it free, but his hands couldn't make it move.

Then he felt it snake up, cover his upper lip, his nose, up and up and up. The darkness began to creep over his vision, covering his eyes. He tried to scream. He tried to call out. But nothing was working. Nothing was happening.

The last thing he saw before the light was completely gone was Landel looking up at the moon, walking forward wistfully, completely unaware at what was happening behind him. And then everything went black. It was just him and the darkness.

Something wrapped around his legs and he tumbled to the ground. The thing tugged on him and he was sliding over the hard cobbles.

He had no idea where he was going but he could tell it was in the opposite direction.

Panic overwhelmed him. Terror sunk into his bones. He tried to scream but nothing came out.

💎💎  End of Part One 💎💎

💎A Collision of Fates💎 (Straight to Gay) (MxM) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now