56 - Chris and Landel

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"Fuck, Jesus Chris! Vinton, pass me the coin!"

Chris slapped his hands together, asking a ball of fire to form, which it did. He shot it out, searing it towards Mikh, who only barely managed to dodge it.

The brown-skinned man pushed himself up from the floor and skid to the side, tripping Vinton as he ran towards Chris.

Vinton fell to the stony floor, the coin skidding out of his grip.

Warlan created a stream of water and scooped up the coin, sliding it away from them and back towards him, back towards the center of the maze.

Chris needed to do something or else they were going to lose. Vinton had made it very clear that he didn't expect to win this match, but Chris wasn't ready to give up yet. Chris Dalton never gave up that easily, never.

So far, the match had been a back-and-forth. Warlan and Mikh were big guys. A water and fire elel, just like Vinton and Chris. The coin had been ferried across the maze at least six times, both of the teams had been very close to victory and, now, it seemed like Mikh and Warlan were going to have another chance.

Not if Chris could help it.

He spread his hands out, calling the fire, asking it to slice the liquid. In a second, the water stream sizzled and the liquid fell to the ground like a dead snake. The coin, once again, clanged to the pavement.

Vinton threw himself onto the coin, scooped it up, and tossed it towards Chris. Chris managed to catch it and began to sprint back through the maze.

He turned back as he ran. Vinton was standing in front of Mikh and Warlan, only barely managing to keep them occupied by sending streams of water hurtling towards them. Warlan was forcing the water around his body and Mikh was searing it as it came close to him. Whatever they were doing, they weren't running after Chris.

He turned a corner and darted towards the bridge. In two, swift steps, he was over the wooden bridge and onto the platform.

The crowd erupted into a deafening flurry of cheers and claps, which only got louder as Chris hoisted the coin into the air.

He breathed out, his exhaustion slamming into him like one of Warlan's water walls. He gulped down air like a flopping fish on a boat.

"What a game!" The announcer's voice silenced the arena. "Chris Dalton and Vinton Xall are now going to move on to the final qualifiers. The two of them will face off against the Flaming Duo, Egber and Kaltin, which is sure to be an intense match."

Vinton appeared at the end of the maze, smirking. He looked so good in their red and black uniform, it hugged his muscles perfectly, emphasizing every bulging inch of his soulmate's sexy body. Chris met him on the bridge and pulled the man in for a giant hug, kissing him as they pulled away.

"You did it," Vinton said, leaning in for another kiss.

"We did it."

"To be honest, I'm shocked."

Chris smiled and hooked his finger's around Vinton's, pulling him back towards their platform. "I know you are. You've been trying to lower my expectations for days."

"I did not think we were going to get this far," he said. "I guess I underestimated your ability. I've never seen someone get so good, so fast, deelo."

The announcer's voice boomed over the stadium again, filling the court. "The winner of tomorrow's finals will be representing Sesstria in the World Cup in Boletara!"

After that, the crowd began to rustle, most of the guys standing up and shuffling to the exits. Again, the court was filled with noise, the chatter and laughter of the crowd.

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