The Twins and the Dragon

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[3rd POV]

Leo and Luna went back inside after (Y/N) told them to get dressed. Leo went running up to his room, and Luna was close behind, but something tugged at her before she could get to the stairs. Luna turned around and there on the coffee table by the couch was a deck of cards. She didn't know why, but something was calling her over to them. Luna peeked out the window to see that (Y/N) was still doing his mediation thing in the garden. Seeing her chance as to satiate her curiosity she walked up to the table. Not very many people knew this, but Luna could see and talk to Duel Monster spirits, ever since she was a very young. Luna reached out a hand to the cards, and that's when her Kuribon appeared out of nowhere and started shouting at her. She jumped back a little bright from fright.

Luna: "Kuribon! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

The Kuribon just continued to squeak at her telling her not to get close. Luna was confused since she has never seen her Kuribon act this way before with other cards. Something has her friend very spooked, and for good reason. Deciding to go against her friend's warning she reached out to the deck one more time.

Luna: "I'm just curious to see what his cards spirits have to say about him."

Kuribon went into a full-blown panic and started shouting at the top of its lungs. Luna turned around and tried to shush him, and that's when she noticed that (Y/N) had turned his head to the window. They two of them made eye contact and Kuribon tried jumping around to get his attention. She knew that wasn't going to work, that was, until she saw him getting up and walking to the door. Luna knew that she shouldn't try to talk to the spirits, she knew that she'd get into trouble, but she just had to know. Something wanted her to know. Deciding to just go for it, she reached out and touched the cards. Kuribon flew over to the window and right outside towards (Y/N). It was shouting and jumping around like a bouncy ball grabbing his attention.

(Y/N): "Kuribon? What's gotten into you?"

Kuribon used its tail to point over to the window. He looked over to see that Luna's hand on his deck box and her eyes closed. That's when he knew what she was trying to do. Only (Y/N) has been able to see and communicate with the spirits in his deck. Fearing that they might try to attack her, (Y/N) made his way with a little more kick in his step. Kuribon just floated next to him as he went to the door. During that time however, Luna was trying to communicate with his cards. In her mind's eye, Luna was in a dark void with nothing but swirling white mist. That's when she heard a womanly voice through the void.

Spirit: 'You shouldn't be here...'

Luna: "Hello? Are there any spirits here?"

Spirit: 'You shouldn't be here. You need to go.'

Luna: "Then why was I called here?"

The landscape shifted and morphed into a very dark valley. Luna was starting to get a little scared but persisted and walked forward. Small fires decorated the valley lighting up her surroundings. Rundown shacks lined against the valley floor and walls. What caught her attention was the cave at the end of the path. It glowed white from within. Luna figured that's where the spirits must be. The white mist still swirled around the ground blanketing everything. She couldn't see anything past her knees. She looked ahead to the cave seeing the lights within swirling like shadows upon a wall.

Luna: "I want to talk to you."

Spirit: 'Go back...'

Luna: "Can you at least tell me about your duelist?"

Spirit: 'Why would I do that?'

Luna: "He's been assigned as our guardian. I want to know what kind of person he is."

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