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[3rd POV]

As the morning rays of the new day began to shine over the horizon, they reached the skyscrapers of the Tops. The buildings were casted in golden light allowing it to reach into the many rooms within them. However, far away from the city, in the middle of the ocean, was the island of Duelist Kingdom. The light of the sun was just staring to peak over the horizon with the island still covered in darkness. On the island was Pegasus Castle, and inside the master bedroom, was an elderly couple. They were sleeping soundly unaware of the door to the balcony being opened.

The wind of the nighttime air blew into the room making the couple shiver from the chill. The curtains blew open ever slightly to the will of the breeze. The old man who laid there in bed started to stir as the light of the moon shone on his face for only a moment. A body entered the room from the balcony. It's whole figure obscure and invisible to the naked eye except for the rippling effect across its form distorting everything seen through it.

Voice: "HedGaEE... Nahss..."

The figure walked across the carpet of the room. Each step leaving a momentary imprint giving off no sound. The only sound it made was the breeze of the nearing night's end blowing past as it walked. The older woman shook from the cold and snuggled up to her husband. The figure walked past the bed without a care and went over to a cabinet. With a wave of its hand, the door of the cabinet opened revealing a small briefcase laying inside. The locked latch that kept the case closed unlocked and fell from its other half. The figure lifted the lid and created a card in the palm of its hand. The contents of the case were a small stack of cards too powerful for regular consumption in the middle of a velvet cloth. The figure laid the card it created on top making it shine with a faint yellow light as the card itself moved through the stack before closing the lid and relocking the latch and closing the cabinet.

Voice: "ShaAhEn... MesuT..."

The figure laughed at the deed done and walked back to the balcony. The old man stirred more in his sleep as his mind was drawn into a dream. There, in the middle of a desert, he stood in his normal red suit attire. The sky was dark with faint hues of indigo and blue filled with a blanketing cloud. There was no breeze, no ambient sound, and it set him off. He knew that there was something wrong here. He just couldn't put his finger on it. At least, not until he turned around and saw that he wasn't alone. Hovering in the air were six dragons; Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The sixth was had gold-colored skin and white wings that he did not recognize. He was surprised as the memories of the last time he saw the ones he recognized surfaced in his mind.

Voice: "Sejem... MeCHaRu emBA..."

Kota: "I know those dragons."

There was suddenly a wind in this place where it had been silent. From the sand beneath his feet, little golden orbs of light rose into the air. The old man watched this in surprise as he looked up to see the orbs surrounding the dragons. The dark voice that spoke all around him in this barren place began to chant. The voice started out small, but with every repetition of the words, the voice grew louder in a crescendo. The orbs began to shine surrounding all six dragons. The dragons themselves growled in pain and discomfort before they all began to roar from the light around them.  

The old man watched on as his surprise turned into horror. The light continued to glow brighter and brighter. The dragons reacted more aggressively to it as a result almost as if the light was burning them. The orbs glowed allowing the man to see it taking a shape reminiscent of the pyramids of Egypt. With a bright flash, the shape solidified transforming the orbs into a giant pyramid of pale blue crystal. Its most prominent feature that truly caught the old man off guard was the golden Eye of Wdjat with its blood ruby eye. The eye glowed a menacing crimson before a shadow erupted forth. Its shape was that of a man's body with a jackal's head and two piercing red eyes. He could only scream as the shadow lunged toward him catching him whole within its blackened jaws.

Return of the White Dragon - A Yu-Gi-Oh! 5ds Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now