A Web of Deceit I

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[3rd POV]

(A/N: Hope you all enjoy the header XD)

The entire world was on the edge of their seats as those who were watching from home and afar couldn't see what was happening. The moment that the Crimson Dragon let off that surge of light, the entire world lost the broadcast signal. Everywhere, televisions were filled with static leaving millions wondering what was happening. This was no different for those watching in New Domino City as the same thing was happening in homes, bars, and squares with public televisions. It even was happening in the Satellite.

Deep in the Valley of Death, inside the headquarters of the Network, the monitor hanging on the wall was spitting static. By this point, the room had amassed a few of the valley's residents. They were waiting for the signal to be restored. Even Blister woke up from his nap with a healing, slightly purple, face. As the people were waiting in their seats, Asher and Nervin were working at the computer to get it working again. Yoru and Rally were looking between them and the computer smacking duo. 

Asher: "C'mon! What gives? It was just working fine a minute ago!"

Nervin: "We were in the middle of watching the most important duel ever and you just stop working? You call yourself a computer?"

Asher: "Work damn it!"

Rally: "Man, what a piece of junk..."

Yoru: "Well, we did scavenge it from the Recycling Center. Not exactly brand new." 

Mirabelle: "HEY! No le faltes el respeto a mi trabajo!"

The two of them kept working at to get it streaming again. They tried shaking it, banging on it, even attempted to unplug it and plug it back in. Mirabelle quickly came over smacking and shooing the two of them away. She groaned because Asher was never really the gentle type when it came to fixing things. Now she had to deal with Nervin who pretty much was the same way as her friend. Blister also came over and sat next to the girl. The two of them shared a smile before getting to work. After about a couple of seconds working their tech magic, the signal was restored.

Nervin: "Aha! It's back!"

Mirabelle: *muttering* "No gracias a ti, idiota."

Blister: "I understand the feeling."

Mirabelle: "Gracias."

Bernard: <And it's official! We have a new champion!>

Everyone in the room was confused as to what was going on. Many of them already knew about what happened to (Y/N) during the Finals match earlier thanks to Yoru and Asher. Let's just say that they weren't as happy about it as they were when they heard. The screen changed from an ariel shot of the stadium to one showing Yusei Fudo's hologram in the middle of the arena. The crowds could be heard chanting his name, although some of them didn't sound quite as cheerful. All of Yusei's friends got closer when they saw a live feed of Yusei standing in the spotlight whilst on the track.

Bernard: <The crown has been passed on to Yusei Fudo!>

Tank: "You gotta be kidding me! We missed the ending of the duel!"

Blitz: "Hold up. Yusei's... the champ now?"

Nervin: "Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing?"

Rally: "Does this mean that he beat Jack?"

The four of them looked at each other as they processed the information. Soon they started cheering as their friend beat Jack Atlas after what he did to Rally and Yusei. However, Rally's cheering quickly died down when he noticed how the other people in the room were looking at them or the screen. All of them had faces of scorn or distain. Blitz then noticed that Rally went quiet, then Nervin, and then Tank. The four of them feeling slightly uncomfortable by the way they were being looked at.

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