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silence is a new thing for me. I actually thought I could get better in this place, but now I am right back to where I was when was seven. Why say anything when everything is out in the open. I'm not completely mute, I write responses. Kayla is allowing a home visit for the weekend. To be honest I'm nervous. I'm going to be around Audrey for forty-eight hours. I want to claw her eyes out, but I can't, that would only result in more time in this place. Food actually smells good now, I don't want to puke when the aroma fills the halls. I still have times when I don't want to eat. Tyler told me that I have to give him everything, so we are going to go through all my stuff together.
** Story**
"this is your new mom and dad." Jill my case worker told me and my sister.
Great I looked at these two people. "Hi, I'm emily and this is tyler." I nodded. I was shocked these people who didn't even know me were going to adopt my sister and I.
"Hi, im audrey and this is avery." Audrey said all perky. I rolled my eyes, she's going to get hurt, because this happens everytime we are going to get adotped and then they hate us and we end up at this stupid office again, "just like before. "I bet you guys are hungry." Emily said smiling.
"Always." Audrey said.
"How about you?" Tyler asked.
I shrugged, "she doesn't talk a lot." Audrey said and she grabbed Emily's hand bouncing. Tyler held his hand out to me, and I wanted to hold it so bad. but I shook my head. Emily and Audrey we waiting for us at the door. Tyler bent down to my level, "hey, I'm not going to hurt you. I promise, let's go get some food in your tummy and we can go home."
I nodded and walked beside Tyler. We went to a buffet and it was really big, and Audrey went insane, and got two over flowing plates. I just got a piece of grilled chicken and fruit. by the time I finish my chicken Audrey is on her third plate. I kick her underneath the table, "what?" She asks. I hold up three plates and shake my head holding up four. "but I'm hungry,i want another." I shake my head.
I finish my food, "okay let's go home." I follow everyone and we arrive at the house and I smile. they show us around and my room and I smile and lay on the bed. they go and show Audrey her room. I close my eyes and fall asleep.
Mr. Smith stabs me, and I see blood and I scream.
"Avery wake up, come on. it's okay." Tyler pulls me in to a hug. and I hold on tight and cry. "it's okay.
**end of story**
I should probably go to the lobby Tyler will be here in a few minutes.

*** A/N***
Hey sorry I haven't updated this story in so long.
~Sydney ❤️

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