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Journal #6 (day 24)

I can't stop crying. I want to go home. I want my dad. Tyler is my savior, I need him! I want to have him hold me. I had a nightmare last night, and I was just screaming.

----dream *flashback*------

I sat in the dark. It was cold. I can hear Audrey crying. "Avery, I'm so hungry." I was whining and crying. We had been in Mrs. and Mr. Smiths basement for two day. I had given her all my food. I crawled around the floor trying to find anything to for her to eat. When I crawled head first into a shelf, that was stacked high with glass jars. It can grumbling down. There was broken glass all around me. Pieces were in my skull and face. I couldn't move or breathe. Just lied there, screaming for my mommy.

---end of dream and *flashback*--

I was awoken by Dina my favorite nurse. She was rubbing my back and whispered to me, "Avery honey it's all a dream."

"Fuck!!" I just screaming.

I don't want to wake up to fucking Dina. I want to have Tyler's arms holding and his beautiful sunny, butter melting voice telling me it's okay to cry, and life is hard and that it gets better. I fucking hate my life!!!


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