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Journal #2 (Day 18)

I said before my name is Avery, I'm seventeen. I live with my adoptive parents, Tyler and Emily, my twin Audrey and our little sister Izzie. Audrey and I were adopted on June 15, 2003, we were seven. Audrey and I may be twins, but we are complete opposite. Starting in the womb, I was the kicker, she was the one our blackened angel, (Biological mother) questioned was alive. As babies she was quiet and would stay still, while I climbed on the counter, and bashed pots and pans together. When we were five in kindergarden, I was the kid who was never quiet. When our blacked angel was murdered by satan's bestie (biological father) and we went into foster care, I was the reason we bounced from twelve different foster homes in two years. Until Tyler and Emily decided that they would deal with my crap. Still I live the rebel life, with purple hair and blue eye, nose ring, (thank ya! sweet baby jesus, these loony bin people let me keep it in). I wear black, nail polish, pants, shirts, never owned a skirt or dress. While Audrey has hershey brown hair, green eyes, she is all over the color scale, she wears pink, girly-girl, (I think that's why Emily loves her more). She wears skirts and dresses. I am definite, loud, I question everything. Audrey is shy, quiet, polite, never talks back to anyone ever. Okay well, time to stuff myself with calories. Bye.

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