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Olivia's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes, feeling groggy and overslept.

She examined her surroundings slowly, she was laying on a soft bed with a green floral design by a window the sky outside was dark and starry, on her right was a basin of water a white damp towel hung off the side, the floors were wooden along with the wall moldings that came up halfway on the wall separated from the beige wallpaper.

The moon was not out tonight to shine through her window, only a single candle sitting on the table by the closed door gave dim light to the room.

Olivia watched the white flower sitting in a vase on the windowsill sway lightly along with the wind, she shivered when a slightly stronger breeze came through her window. She used any strength could muster to push herself into a sitting position.

Examining herself she noticed that she'd been changed out of her previous attire and into a white nightgown laced on the collar, sleeve cuffs, and ends of the gown. Her hair was undone, cascading down her back as strands fell off her shoulders and in front of her face.

Closing the window, Olivia flopped back down onto her back, pulling the fluffy blanket closer to her neck and falling back to sleep instantly.

—— * ——

Olivia woke back up to a warm feeling on the left side of her face.

Sunlight clouded her vision and blinded her before her eyes finally adjusted to the new light.

She looked around, she was in the same room as she was last night. 'So it wasn't a dream.'

Now that she was completely conscious and half asleep, she started to evaluate her situation in more precise detail.

Olivia had fought those kids then walked to the bookstore to meet Estelle but when she got there, her nose started bleeding and she passed out.

Probably something with her disease, not her biggest worry right now. The problem she was most focused on was that, she didn't know how long she had been asleep.

Depending on how much she strained her body would definitely effect the severeness of the consequences. Her body could have completely shut down from over exerting herself which could have kept her bedridden for weeks, (which she came to put at the bottom of her list considering she looked to be in a hotel room and not at home) or she might've just worn herself and spelt for a day or less.

Either way, it all hindered her plans. They were supposed to leave early morning for the capital but right now it looks to be mid day! Which means they would have to wait another day before leaving since the streets are packed from early morning to midnight, or even worse, she could have slept through the entire thing!

The door opened, Olivia being too caught up in her own thoughts and panicking hadn't noticed when a pink haired maid walked in.

"Lady Olivia!" Olivia turned her head when she heard Estelle exclaim, "Oh thank the Goddess you're awake! I was so worried!" She looked like she would burst out in tears at any given moment.

Olivia opened to her mouth to try and reassure her but found herself not being able to speak, she squeezed her eyes and swallowed to try to get her throat moist, the dry feeling stopped anything from passing through and closed up her throat when she tried swallowing.

"Ah! Please wait My Lady, I will get you some water!" Estelle franticly looked around until her orange eyes landed on a pitcher filled with water with a look of relief.

Estelle hurriedly poured a cup of water and ran back to where Olivia lay on her bed. "Here, drink this." Estelle sat on the edge of Olivia's bed and gently guided the cup up to her lips and into her mouth. Olivia greedily took large gulps getting instant relief throughout her body.

"Estelle, how long was I asleep for?" Olivia cautiously asked Estelle, dreading the answer a tiny bit.

"About 2 days My Lady." Estelle responded to Olivia in a soft voice while swiping a loose hair on Olivia forehead behind her ear.

Olivia felt a little dispirited and but relieved at the same time. On one hand, she'd only been asleep for two days which meant she hadn't missed the whole week but on the other, the gathering would have started today, which means she has basically wasted a good day and a half of her plan.

She would only have a day and a half, maybe 2 days, to be in the palace for good reason before the ball would end completely and then she would have another 5 days in the capital.

But she needed to be in the imperials palace to get to Amos' tower but she didn't have en ex side to be there for another 5 days. She could try to come with the duke and play it off as wanting to learn about for the future, but then again she'd have to try and convince him to take her and with her disease hindered her from ever becoming the heiress to house Auclair.

"What about the trip to the capital?" Olivia anxiously asked Estelle.

The pink haired woman gave her a sweet smile, "The Madam and Master could not leave you here so they were all waiting for you to wake up." As if something had struck Estelle she had a brief look of panic before stuttering out, "T-They we're all very worried for you." Estelle tried to comfort Olivia, probably worried she would blame herself, but Estelle was a horrible liar.

Nonetheless Olivia smiled at Estelle, the maid probably thought she was happy with the thought of her family worrying over her but in reality Olivia was just really appreciating how Estelle was always trying to make her feel loved and cared about.

"But, now that you are awake I will tell the Master and Madam and I'm sure they will set a later date to travel to the capital." Estelle stood up determined, clenching her fists.

"Ah, no. Just tell them we can leave tomorrow. I am feeling fine.

"B-but My Lady! You are not fine! You had a very bad attack just a few days ago! And-and,"Estelle began to stumbled over her words, obviously flustered. "And I knew I shouldn't have let you go out on your own, I had a horrible feeling—"


Estelle looked Olivia in the eyes for a brief moment as if she was explaining a dramatic story, hands making all kinds of gestures. "—but against my better judgement—"

"Estelle!" Olivia raised her voice a little louder.

"—I let you let you go, because you were just so cute!" Estelle continued to ramble on. "Estelle!"

With an high pitched 'eep', Estelle finally came back into the real world hearing her name being called. "Ah! Yes! I apologize, I spoke out of turn." She had a small look of remorse on her face while slightly bowing her head.

"No, no, it's fine. But really, tell my parents that I am fine and I can travel." Even with the serious look Olivia was giving the older woman she was still hesitant. "Please." Olivia soften up her features a little bit.

Estelle sighed in defeat, "Very well." With one last concerned look back, Estelle walked out the door closing it behind her.

Leaving Olivia alone once again.

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