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THE SCHOOL BELLS resound outside her window and students congregate outside the school as the new year officially begins.

Olivia smooths her last folded piece of clothing into her luggage and shuts and clicks the locks.

Last year, Olivia graduated Alexandreia Academy's high school division and now, as she decided to continue her education on its campus, was required to move to the other side of the canyon where the other half of the school resided.

She walks down the crowded halls, passing by the crowds of students, new and returning alike, without a glance. (Thankfully, knowing this time where she was going.)

Olivia walks over the main bridge connecting the schools. Bridges connected part A and B of the school together on multiple levels cascading down the bottomless canyon, but the largest, widest one, made of white marble and beautiful architecture, connected the buildings large arched back entryways together.

Olivia's brain felt full of thoughts but completely blank all the same. This year was the year. The year she'd been impatiently awaiting yet dreading all the same since the moment she had been born into this world.

A year she could barely recall (one she wasn't too sure she wanted to) and led to a complete new unknown following its end.

Already whispers filtered through air and into Olivia ears. Talk of a white haired beauty from a faraway land, a commoner with extraordinary power buzzes amongst the students of Alexandreia's college division.

Olivia spots a tuft of wild, crimson hair—hard to miss, really, when it towers over the rest of the crowd and burns as bright as the sun—and, sighing, makes her way over to her boys.

Ezekiel and Amos stick out like sore thumbs amongst the crowd, craved from god's very own hands and exuding power and grace.

Olivia is unable to hear what they're talking about but Ezekiel bursts into laughter and Amos irritably rolls his eyes and crosses his arms as she approaches.

Olivia smiles softly and arches an eyebrow as she approaches the two, Ezekiel spots her first his eyes brightening and smile widening as he calls out to her, "Livy!" He waves her down, startling a few bystanders around him, and engulfs her in big, squeezing hug lifting her off the ground.

Olivia wheezes and pats the man on his shoulder, "Nice to see you..too Zeke." She manages to get out.
With they're constant conflicting and busy schedules she and the two boys hadn't been able to see each other in a while, with Amos had recently been assigned to running multiple of the empire's magic towers and Ezekiel trying to establish himself in the royal family and politics, they hadn't been able to meet together in months.

Amos claps Ezekiel on the shoulder and grabs Olivia's bag from her hand, "Alright, alright let her breathe, will you." He says.

Ezekiel sets Olivia back down, his smile still bright and dazzling. Amos rummages through Olivia's bag and pulls out her small, hidden bag of goodies. Locking the bag closed once again, he reaches into the smaller bag and grabs one of Olivia's cookies—her favorites—and shoving it into his mouth.

Olivia catches him a second too late, "Hey—!" She attempts to grab at the bag but is denied when Amos steps out of the way and hides behind Ezekiel's large figure.

Ezekiel (the traitor) takes the offered peace treaty (Olivia's cookie) from Amos and takes a bite.

Olivia don't miss either the boys in the slightest.

"Hey Livy," Ezekiel says, mouth still full with Olivia's stolen snacks. "Have you heard about that new girl? The one who transferred from the neighboring kingdom?"

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