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I forgot the name and age of the antagonist so I had to go back and look for it but couldn't find the age then I questioned if I ever even verified how much older then Olivia he was then gave up and came back to writing so I apologize if anything is inaccurate

Enjoy the chapter ^^

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Approaching the worn down tower Olivia couldn't help the overwhelming sense of pride sneaking into her, she wasn't going to lie and say she didn't have her (frequent) moments when she thought she wouldn't be able to pull this off.

But look at her now, standing in front of the very building at was supposed to be a secret hidden from all of society on her own! She'd found the needle in a hay stack, literally!

Or at least she hoped.

Olivia rushed toward the tall building nearing tripping over her own feet. Pushing open the old wooden door was a much harder effort then she anticipated as it appeared to be rusted shut. Finally after a couple of pushes and pulls it flew open with a loud cracking sound sending Olivia to the floor and kicking up a cloud of dust.

Pulling herself up from the ground with groan looking around herself, the interior of the tower wasn't much better then the outside.

It was extremely dusty and messy, furniture was overturned, glass littered the floor with abandoned papers and books scattered here and there.

Olivia cautiously started up the spiral stone staircase paying extra attention to where she stepped in case one of the cracks in the floor gave out, there were already a few vacant spots signaling that the steps were unstable.

The second floor was open spaced a broken bookshelf stood by a bay window on the left wall while a small desk and single worn down wooden chair sat in the middle of the space acting as, what Olivia assumed to be, a makeshift dining table. This room was a bit tidier then the one downstairs yet the dust was still evident in the air along with a lingering musty smell.

Walking up the next set of stairs Olivia started to doubt she got the right tower, there's no signs for human life for what looks like decades. She didn't know how could anyone live in these conditions, let alone a child.

The third floor was a bit different from the others, unlike the pervious two floors this one wasn't open space and instead closed off from the stairs by a wall.

Olivia approached the wooden door her heart starting to speed up as the adrenaline finally wore off and nerves caught up with her. With her hand against the cold bronze doorknob she gulped and took a deep breath to calm herself. Slowly she cracked open the door before finding a sudden surge of courage and swung open the door.

Sunlight and a cool breeze drifted in the through the large open window opposite from her.

The room was empty.

Olivia felt disappointment fill her entire being as the only things occupying the cramped  space was a small bed, bookshelf, and an old, discolored red rug.

Olivia took a step inside the abandoned room and took a closer look around at her surroundings hanging on the the last thread of hope that someone does still live here.

Other then the objects residing in the room the space itself wasn't much different from the other floors still the same messy, dust ridden, musty aroma.

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