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Meenakashi's POV

The next day, I woke up and as usual got busy in the chores and cooking. Shanthi aunt came to the kitchen and asked me why was I working alone and asked me that why was Sudha not helping me. I didn't know what to answer her as even I was frustrated to work all the time without anyone helping me. I knew that my grandmother in-law and mother in-law were old and can't work but I didn't know why Sudha doesn't help me.

When I was newly married, my in-laws asked me to only concentrate on chores and be an ideal daughter in-law but my brother in-law and my husband were asked to study hard and were pampered a lot, later I understood that I was not their blood, so they wouldn't treat me like their own but even Sudha wasn't their child but she was treated well.

Seeing Shanthi aunt wait for my answer made me confused as I didn't know what to say but after thinking for a while I said that Sudha was in her room.

Sudha came to the kitchen while Shanthi aunt and I were cooking. Seeing her Shanthi aunt said, "Why is Meena working alone in the kitchen? Is it only today or does she always work alone?" Then aunt continued saying "You may be from a rich family but as a daughter in-law of this house, you are not superior to Meena and not to forget you are younger than Meena and you are not an handicapped person that she should wash yours and your husband's clothes. You are not even a working woman and why do you think that it's ok for Meena to clean your dirty plates. What do you do in a day that you deserve such a special treatment?"

Listening to Shanthi aunt made me scared. I didn't know the exact consequences of Shanthi aunt's words but for sure I knew that I would be the one to bear the consequences. It's evident in Sudha's face that she was angry. I tried to stop Shanthi aunt but failed as if I tried to stop her, she would just glare at me making me take few steps back. But Shanthi aunt stopped after Aradhya came to the kitchen with aunt's phone in her hand searching for her.

After Shanthi aunt and Aradhya left, Sudha said, "If you had problem with washing my clothes, you should have told me instead of complaining to others and who asked you to wash my clothes and my plates. I thought you were a good person but now I realised that you are just a fake person. You are just a person filled with a lot of hatred and jealousy within you" to which I said, "Please don't misunderstand me. I never said a word against you to anyone" which made Sudha even more angrier and before she could say anything more, everyone came to the dining area and we both arranged the dishes and as I stood there to serve them, Shanthi aunt asked me to sit and then, we had our breakfast together.

After breakfast, my husband revealed to all of us that the results of the DL(Degree Lecturer) exams were announced.

After hearing about my husband's achievement, our house was filled with happiness and my husband revealed to us that the certificate verification was in the next 2 days and the next week, he would be allotted the college and on the next day itself he should join the college.

My in-laws were happy about his success and they wanted to celebrate this by inviting all our relatives and friends to our home but my husband asked them to postpone as he would be busy with resigning his current job, certificate verification and joining the college.

The next day, my husband resigned his job as a Maths teacher and went for the certificate verification and the next week he was alloted as a Maths Lecturer in a Degree College in Hyderabad and the next day itself he joined the college.

Everything was going well in our life but Sudha stopped talking to me completely after Shanthi aunt scolded her and even when I tried to talk to her, she ignored me.

My in-laws invited our relatives and friends to celebrate my husband's achievement and even my uncle and his family were invited.

My uncle was not well, so my aunt and Chinnu attended the party which made me very happy as I wanted to show to everyone that even I'm not an orphan. Minnu stayed back with uncle to take care of him.

We were all cooking in our backyard as there were a lot of relatives in our house and Sarala didn't leave me and followed me to the backyard where a lot of our female relatives were present. I introduced Sarala aunt to everyone and they received her well and to my surprise, my mother in-law's sister, Janaki aunt who doesn't like me, started talking to Sarala aunt like she was her long last best friend and said that I was like a daughter to her.

After the party, everyone left to their home and only Janaki aunt and her daughter, Bhavana stayed back. Bhavana was never close to me but to my surprise, she started being overly friendly to me.

My husband's colleagues from the school decided to give a farewell for my husband. So, our entire family was also invited, everyone praised my husband for his teaching skills and they even appreciated him for being a very helpful man as he would never backdown from helping anyone. My in-laws too spoke about him and praised him for being the best and always making them very proud. My brother in-law said that he was his inspiration and praised him for being the best brother.

His colleagues asked me to say a few words about him which made me very nervous.

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