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Meenakashi's POV

I didn't say a word and didn't move an inch. Seeing me hesitant and confused, my husband just stared at me for a while and moved away from me. Giving me one last look, he went to his side of the bed to sleep and even I went to my side of the bed to sleep.

I closed my eyes and tried to sleep but I was not able to sleep. Not being able to sleep, I opened my eyes and saw my husband staring at me. I asked him if he wants anything to which he said nothing and closed his eyes.

The next day, he as usual went to college. Even though, my children insisted him not to go, he didn't listen. My brothers decided to give a tour of Hyderabad to me and my children. Even though, I was hesitant in the beginning, even I joined them.

I was mesmerized seeing everything here. Charminar became my favourite place in Hyderabad. I bought a lot of bangles and eartops from there. We also went to a very famous shopping mall where we bought many new clothes. On the way to home, we had our dinner in a restaurant.

By the time, we reached home it was 9 P.M. My uncle slept. Both my aunt and my husband were waiting for us in the living room. As it was already night, we all went to our bedrooms to freshen up and sleep. My children went to sleep with their uncles that night. They started liking their uncles and also the games in their mobiles. My husband never gives his mobile to them and my brothers installed all the games they wanted and gave it to my children.

I felt very tired after the shopping. As I was about to close my eyes, he said, "Did you have fun?" to which I said yes and he continued, "I guessed it right. Why wouldn't you have fun? If you are with me, you don't even open your mouth and when you are with others you have fun. I took a three days leave so that I could show you guys Hyderabad but you guys went out with your brother and didn't even inform me. Did you forget my existence in your life or did you leave your mobile here wantedly to avoid me?" I didn't know how to answer him as I actually forgot about him today.

Seeing me silent, he continued, "You have changed a lot. In the childhood, you would always do everything to gain my attention and after the children were born, they became your priority and now after you met your family, they became your priority. You don't give me any importance now."

I was angered listening to him and to defend myself I said, "You always avoided me and even after children were born, you avoided me. Even after I met my family, I didn't change at all. But today, for the first time in years, I went out for shopping which is why I forgot you. Why do you always accuse me when you are the one who doesn't give me any importance? You always hated me and avoided me from our childhood and now acting like this!"

My husband suddenly sat up on the bed and said, "Who said that I hated you. Even when you made me drink orange juice in which you added motion tablets, I didn't even scold you and also I lied to my mother to protect you. If I didn't lie to my mother on that day, she would have killed you. If I really hated you, I would have not lied to my mother."

I was embarrassed recalling that incident but still continued, "That is the only time, you did something to save me. Even recently, you said that you would kick me out of your life and your house just because your mother complained to you. But when your mother openly talks about your second marriage, you wouldn't do anything. I think, even you are interested in another marriage as I'm not educated like you."

My husband said, "Shut up! If I was really interested in marrying another woman, I would not have had kids with you. Stop talking nonsense and you don't know what happened between me and my mother after she talked about my second marriage. I know that I was wrong for scolding you and I apologised for that but even your way of talking with my mother was not right."

Angered with his words, I sat up on the bed and said, "It's always about you and your family only. Just because, for once I went out without informing you, you are acting like this but tell me did you ever inform me about anything. You always acted like I never existed even after we had children together. The only time, you are interested in spending time with me is for your pleasure."

Listening to me, my my husband said, "No" and hugged me but I pushed him away and said, "You always stand up against child marriages and also stopped many child marriages and helped many girls to continue their studies but not once you thought about me. You once scolded our neighbour for hitting his son for not studying properly and said that children should be taught with love. But you think your mother is a person with no flaws whereas she made my childhood a nightmare. Everyone pities her because she was born with weak heart but only I know that she is a heartless person. Even from my childhood, she never missed a chance to give me a bruise. For every small mistake, I was beaten with bamboo sticks. I thought that it was common to be beaten by mother in-law's but she treats Sudha like she is a glass doll."

My husband looked shocked and said, "Why didn't you tell me anything ?" To which I said, "You never talked to me and she stopped hitting me after our children were born."

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