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Meenakashi's POV

Realising that my husband was not going to leave me, I stopped trying to get out of his arms and eventually fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and did my morning routine and left the room as I didn't want anymore drama in my life. My husband went out to meet his friends and my mother in-law sat in our living room and was talking to our neighbour. When I went to serve them tea and biscuits, I heard her saying, "You are very lucky! Both your sons are settled and they take care of you so well! Nowadays children don't take care of their parents but your children are very different." My mother in-law had a proud smile listening to the praises but then she said, "Yea. I'm lucky but my elder son's life got spoiled because of me. If I was healthy, he wouldn't have to marry as a kid. My younger son married the girl whom he loved but my elder son didn't even have a proper wedding. He doesn't even like his wife. If everything was well, he would also have a happy marital life."

Listening to her, our neighbour said, "Why don't you remarry him? There are many parents who would love to get their daughters marry your son" which shocked me but I didn't know what to say but my sons Ajay and Vijay who just came to the living room were furious listening to their conversation asked her to get out of our home and my husband who just came home scolded my sons for their disrespect towards elders. My sons who were furious didn't listen to their father and asked her to get out of the house. My mother in-law's friend whose ego was bruised said, "Children these days don't have any manners" and went out of the house.

My kids turned to my mother in-law and said, "You are bad! I hate you!" which made my mother in-law hurt and my husband who saw his mother's pale face went near our children which scared and I quickly pushed my children into their room and requested my husband to not show his anger on the kids. Listening to me, my husband went to his mother and apologised to her for our children's behaviour.

I went to the kid's room to see that both Vijay and Ajay were were crying and Adarsh was deep in sleep. Seeing me, they hugged me and said that they would take care of me and would not let their father remarry.

They refused to have breakfast and when my husband tried to talk with them, they refused to talk to him. Even after I requested them to talk to their father, they didn't change their decision.

My husband who was irritated with their behaviour sent me and Adarsh out of their room and went inside the kids room and locked the door from inside. Adarsh who was unaware of all these started crying thinking that his father and brothers were playing without him.

Shiva's POV

I was annoyed with my kids. They were very studious and well behaved. Seeing them suddenly misbehaving with my mother's friend and insulting my mother made me very angry. I felt like  teaching them some manners. But my wife stopped me. I would have  ignored her and dealt with my kids in my way but I didn't want to upset her more as she was already upset with me.

Seeing my mother hurt made me feel helpless. She loves all of us with all her heart and she and her happiness would always be my first priority. I would never tolerate any disrespect towards my mother not even from my kids.

But seeing my children refusing to have their breakfast made me feel upset. I didn't know why they were turning out to be brats suddenly.

Irritated with their behaviour, I sent my wife and Adarsh out of the room and locked the room from inside. They both covered themselves with blanket from head to toe and I removed the blanket only to see both of them crying. I asked them to not cry but they didn't stop.

I silently sat there till they stopped crying and when they stopped crying they didn't even lift their heads as they felt ashamed crying infront me. I said, "Are you done with crying or do you both still want to cry like babies?" to which they  both unanimously said, "I'm not crying." I laughed listening to them and lied down on their bed.

They both were whispering to each other for few minutes and after their whispering session they both said, "Amma is very beautiful. Amma is very good. Amma is very kind. Amma is..." I interrupted them and said, "I know but why are you suddenly talking about your mother now?" To which they said, "Then, why don't you like her? If you don't like Amma then, even we won't like you. We would not let you remarry. We would not let anyone hurt our mother. We would " which shocked me and I said, "Who said that I don't like her and who said that I would remarry?"

My children then said, "Grandmother and her friend were talking about your remarriage. Please don't remarry. If you do, we will never talk to you and if Adarsh knows about your remarriage, even he would stop talking to you."

Listening to my sons made me furious. How could my mother talk about my remarriage? Seeing my sons worried faces, I said "I would never remarry and your grandmother was just joking" and before they could say anything, I asked them come to the dining area.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw my wife who looked very tensed along with my angry son who started accusing me for ignoring him and playing with his brothers. My wife hurriedly went inside the room while I went to my mother to talk to her.

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