Chapter 9 - I Won't Hesitate to Call 911

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Chapter Song: It May Sound Strange by Spencer Sutherland

I need coffee.

I simply just can't function without coffee. And it's already been a shitty morning, so that's great. My fucking brother tried calling me again and I'm ten seconds away from blocking his number.

I just want to have a quiet day, is that really too much to ask for?

Well, there might be something that'll help me.


I start my car and stare at the passenger seat for a solid minute. I can still see her there, from that night. Smiling and laughing while she slammed the door shut so the sprinklers wouldn't get the inside of the car wet too.

Even as I'm driving, I can hear her singing along to whatever song came on the radio. Somehow she knows all of them.

I think I'll ask her out again today. See if she wants to go to the movies or something. Maybe we could see Batman, she'd find that ironic, I'm sure.

But I won't be able to see her if this asshole in front of me won't move at the green light.

I honked and stuck my head out the car window, "Hey asshole!"

The guy in the car turned around, confused.

"Yeah, you," I continued. "It's a green light."

He waved and drove away.

I hate people.

Just like this. It's a green light, that means go, as everyone knows. And what was he doing? Not going.

It's the same thing as a group of people who walk slow and in a horizontal line in the middle of a crowded hallway. It's just so annoying.


I walk in and am greeted by the familiar smell of freshly brewed coffee.

I look at the counter and Evelyn isn't here.

I pull out my phone, it's 10:34.  should be here by now, her shift started at 9 o'clock.

I have a bad feeling. Maybe it's my absence of coffee or my shitty morning, but I just have a bad feeling. Okay, think rationally. Maybe she's just getting something from the back storage or something.

I walk up to the counter and one of the baristas practically runs up to greet me. She staring me weird. I don't like it. "Hi, how can I help you?"

"I was wondering if Evelyn is here today?"

"Oh," the barista said, moderately annoyed. "Evelyn. Yeah, she never showed up for her shift this morning."

"Did she call out or tell anyone why she didn't come in?"

"Nope." Then she eyed me suspiciously,as if now she was relaxing I was grilling her for information. "Why do you want to know?"

I don't know why but my heart starts racing, is she okay? Is something wrong?

"She's my...friend. And I just got worried when I didn't see her. Thanks for the help."

I walked out and sat in my car. I sent her a text.

Me: Hey Ev, are you okay? I saw you weren't at work

Nothing. Not a single thing. I wait for five minutes.

Me: Ev?

Five more minutes. Still nothing.

I try calling her.

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