Chapter 23 - Edible Arraignments

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Chapter Song: The Man by Taylor Swift

I sound like a broken record.

My inner monologue and every brain cell in my brain is a combination of the usual thoughts: Harry Styles songs, the urge to say random words with a British accent, the ending of La La Land, and food of any and all varieties.

Yet, a new category has decided to make an appearance: love.

I always joked that love is meaningless, but I think I was on to something. Love is meaningless in the sense that a four letter word doesn't convey enough meaning to describe how one feels when they're in love. Yet, the word has enough meaning that it's frightening.

How can I love and be so afraid at the same time?

This is too existential crisis-y for me, so I'm going to avoid my problems instead of facing them.



"Priya, answer me honestly. If I put in my notice right now, would you leave with me?"

"Hell yeah, Leah is a demon. Maybe even Satan Herself," Priya griped.

Even though Priya has only been working at Clairo's for four months, I've come to the conclusion that I'd die without her. After our shifts we have what we call 'Shit on Sanity' where we take five minutes after each shift to just vent about everything that made us want to die that day. It's great.

"If you quit, what would you do next?" I ask.

"Either museum curator at the Louvre or boxing coach. What about you?"

"Zookeeper to penguins or I'd train myself to do something cool where I'd be respected. I don't get enough of that here."

"I feel that. What I would kill to be able to finish a sentence without being interrupted by a man who thinks he knows more than me."

"I'd toast to that if I had a drink."

"I'd get drunk at the end of every shift if we worked at bar. Anyway, what are you going to do once classes start again?" Priya asked.


She laughed, "yeah, that sounds about right. At least your school doesn't have a roach problem."

At the end of last semester, the city was doing construction near Priya's school and there were a bunch of roaches that crawled out of the sewers onto her campus. People were finding roaches in the dorms and they even crawled into a few peoples backpacks.

It sounds like nightmare material to me.

"Yeah," I said. "No roaches where I'm going. Just depression and anxiety."

"Sounds like college."


My apartment is fixed.

I loved living with Michael, but oh my god I missed my apartment. Yes, it had its quirks, but I love it. I grabbed my 'go bag' and Wasabi while Michael was at work and texted him saying that I could move back in and I desperately needed to wear my own clothes again.

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