Chapter 27 - It'd be Smarter to Call the Cops

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Chapter song: Sweet Nothing by Taylor Swift

I'm going to kill him.

Why the fuck would he hide drugs at our mom's house? He's an idiot. I think it's that simple. I never imagined that day would end with Ev and I burying drugs, but there we were. She stayed remarkably calm throughout everything. I think she's desensitized from all the serial killer podcasts she listens to, but, hey, I'm not complaining. She came up with a good plan and nothing went wrong.

Now I know not to do anything to make want her to murder me. I honestly think that she'd be able to hide my body and get away with it. Even though I'd be dead, I hope she escapes the police and lives on an island somewhere pretty. If she killed me, I probably deserved it.


I forgot about Derek for a second. What am I supposed to do with him? I don't want him near me and I sure as hell don't want him near Ev, but it's not like I can do anything about it short of killing him. (Which isn't an option.) If I call the cops, all they'll do is think I'm crazy because I have no evidence. What would I tell them? I think my psycho brother might've drugged me once and he's potentially a drug dealer. No, that wouldn't work. Maybe I could-


Is that my phone?


Ev : I have an idea
Ev : About what to do with the idiot with the crayons
Ev : No offense
Ev : Can I come over later?
Me: Sure, can you come over in an hour?
Ev : Yeah!! I'll see you then

I can't help but feel like a piece of shit. I just-I feel so fucking bad that she's been roped into this. She barely survived the stress of finals and just started the new semester, and with all of Derek's shit, I don't want to cause her extra stress. It's strange though, she seems so unphased by all of this, it's a testament to her resilience. She's so strong and even when she thinks that she's failing she isn't. Her trying, her waking up and deciding to try again every day, it's enough. I love her. So much. I just want her to know that. I'm going to tell her. I've been a whimp and chickened out of telling her every time I wanted to, but I'm going to. I'll have planned everything down to the weather forecast and the moment will be perfect. Then maybe, maybe, she'll believe that she deserves that love. And if I'm lucky, she'll love me back.


I realized about five minutes ago that my apartment was a wreck. I also realized that I had ten minutes left to clean it. Evelyn is the most punctual person I've met and it astounds me. Maybe I can move a few things and wash the dishes before-

Knock knock knock

Never mind.

"Hi!" Ev greets. God, she's beautiful. Her hair is twisted back in a bun, but small waves still found a way to escape, angelically framing her face. Her cheeks and nose are dusted pink from the unusual spell California is getting, matching the same color as her sweater. Even if she was wearing a trash bag and her hair was knotted, I know she'd still be just as beautiful as she is right now.

"Hi, come in. You look cold."

"Only a little bit," Ev shrugged, walking through the door and closing it behind her. "But I'll deal with that later. I had an idea. I know it'll sound a little crazy at first, but do you promise to hear me out?"

"Of course."

"So, I was reading my book last night about a series of murders in bakeries. Philip, may he rest in peace, gets killed for the money in the company safe. The murderer then uses that cash to buy himself a train ticket to the next bakery, where he kills his next victim and the cycle repeats itself. The murderer kept calling the police and taunting them, essentially making fun of them because they couldn't catch him.

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