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"No I want out!"
"Harry you have to stay in bed."
"But I've read every bloody book here and are incredibly bored! Why can't I just stand?!"
"Because of the baby Harry."
"Yeah well this baby is being a huge pain in my arse! I want out! I want to eat sweets! This is rubbish!"

Tom walked in as Harry kept complaining and sighed.

Harry instantly became silent. He hated when Tom used that tone with him, but every time he obeyed.
"Narcissa give us a second."
Narcissa nodded and quickly walked out, closing the door on her way.

Tom looked at Harry with disappointment clear in his dark eyes. Though Harry only threw the blanket back over his legs in anger.

"You want to tell me what that was about?"
"I'm bored, what do you expect me to do? Read advanced spells book 3 again?!"
"Watch the tone."
Harry huffed, throwing the book to the side. Tom sat on the edge of the bed. He turned Harry's face by his chin.

"Love you know why your on bed rest."
"Yeah because I'm carrying a ten pound vampire in my bitten belly."
Tom sighed. "Narcissa said you should be delivering our child any day now."
"Maybe with all this stress I will! Hell all of you are out there laughing and having fun while I'm sitting here" Harry sniffled. "pregnant and not allowed to so much as go to the restroom without a house elf's help."
Tom frowned and sighed for the millionth time. "Just a little longer baby, you've been so patient so far."
Harry wiped away the tear that slipped down his face. "I've even grown fat."
"You are not fat." Tom instantly argued. "You are carrying our healthy baby and that is very different love. Don't say that about yourself when you know it's not true."
Harry crossed his arms but held his large baby bum when he felt a sharp pain.
"Love you alright?"
"No... my belly hurts."

Tom stood instantly, scaring Harry for a second.

"It's the baby."


"A muggle hospital. A muggle hospital?!"

Tom hushed Harry while other nurses and waiting patients looked at them weirdly.
What got even more looks was Harry's baby bum. His very large and visible baby bum.
It's safe to say, it made Harry very self conscious.

"Riddle and Potter?"
Tom sighed in relief. "Harry this is an acquaintance. Nickolas Charms."
Nickolas smiled. "And wizard." He reassured.
"That doesn't help." Harry grumbled, easily noticing Nickolas's eyes flickering to his baby bum.
Nickolas smiled and took Harry to the bottom floor of the hospital where a few qualified witches were.

"Still doesn't help."
Tom kissed Harry's hand. "I told you I had everything covered darling. Relax and don't stress yourself or m-our child out."
"... did you almost say your child?" Harry looked at Tom but he only helped Harry onto the bed.

His clothing magically turned into a hospital gown. Though the hospital gown only made his large baby bum bigger.
The pain surged through Harry again and he clenched onto Toms hand.

A witch smiled and checked Harry's belly, completely ignoring the fact he was having a painful contraction.

"Have you had an ultra sound?"
"No. We've had an ex-medical witch check up on the baby every month."
She nodded.
"So you want the baby completely secret I suspect."
"No shit Sherlock." Harry growled.

Truly it was an easy answer. Lord Voldemort and an escaped prisoner from Azakaban aka. Harry James Potter the boy-who-lived, having a child.
Of course that child would be secret. For their and the babies safety.

Nickolas cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with Harry's tone toward him.

"We'll have to do a C-section-"
"Are you sure your a doctor? Or are you def? Tom literally stated that we have an ex-medical witch as an acquaintance whom checked up on my child every month. Yes we know I'll have to get a bloody c-section so instead of talking how about you start DOING YOUR JOB!!"

Tom sighed.
He was proud Harry had more common sense than Nickolas but the stress and his attitude were putting more stress on everyone else here.
Seeing no one knew a muggle hospital was being reserved for two wizards child to be born.

It was a very long process.
Setting up the equipment, Tom having to calm Harry down and the contractions only got worse.

By the time the witches had everything ready to go, Harry was ready to kill someone by how much it hurt.
He had his wand, he knew the words. Harry was very capable of killing someone and that's exactly why Tom was making sure he didn't reach anywhere near his wand.

"Alright Harry we need you calm, Tom if you could assist."
"I swear to merlin I will kill one of them if they keep saying every bloody step." Harry hissed, having switched languages some time ago.
Tom sighed. "You reach for that wand, and I will break it."
"You can't break my wand. You'd never break my wand because you know what that means for a wizard or witch."

Harry kept bickering while Tom was just keeping his calm. He knew if he did anything reckless Harry would do something to make this all a lot harder and none of these witches or wizard seemed to know how to use magic.

When Tom didn't hear anything. He looked over to see the four people who stood around his mate, just staring at his open abdomen.

Fear grew in the pit of Toms stomach. Harry wanted to look and see what was wrong but his chest down was all numb to the bone.

Nickolas cleared his throat.

"Have you considered the thought of twins?"
"What?!" Harry instantly yelled.
Tom rubbed the back of his hand to calm him.
"What do you mean?"
"Well if you aren't-"
"If your suggesting killing one of my children while you have not even delivered one.. you are fairly mistaken. So let's talk about this when I can feel my body and I have held my bloody children you squib!"
Tom nodded in full agreement. It was not the time for Nickolas to bring such a thing up and as a medical wizard, Nickolas should know that.

"I'm not-"
"If you try to argue so help merlin and my family name."

Only a few minutes after that, a baby's cries were heard and a witch snipped the cord.

"It's a boy." The witch beside Harry excitedly stated.
"Yay now my second child."

The third witch took the small boy as Nickolas got the second child.
Their cries were soon heard too and it was like music to Harry's ears. Even if it shouldn't have, it was and he loved it.

"Also a boy." Nickolas stated as the witch beside Harry took the baby to clean him up.

"With some simple stitc-"
"Just do it before I have Tom do it."

Nickolas was silent the rest of the time as the two witches waited patiently to hand the babies over and the other two cleaned up.

Harry now had a large gauze pad on top of the stitches that were proof he had just got through a c-section. The gauze was held in place by white bandages around his abdomen.

"What are their names?"
"We only had one boy name." Tom stated as he got one baby boy and Harry got the other.
"No we had two. Noah and Aiden."
"You don't like the name Noah."
"Ok than Joseph."
"Noah it is."
"What's wrong with Joseph?"
"My second sons name is Noah."
"But you said you didn't want his name to be Noah."
"It's Noah." Tom gave Harry a warning look with his growled tone.
Harry smiled. "Noah it is than."

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