Chapter 7: *Balekin*

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I haven't been able to figure out what has happened, it frustrates me in all possible ways. I was defeated by some pathetic mortal girl and then she had the nerve to throw me in the dungeons of my own family -the royal family of Elfhame to say the least. And then my little brother -the one I took in and promised to make a perfect prince of Elfhame- walked in and asked me 'you honestly think I'm that ignorant?' after I told him to get this cell open.

"You are not getting out of there," he continued chuckling. "And why is that? Brother," I asked him as I felt my anger and frustration grow with every word that came out of his mouth. "Multiple reasons with which I'm not going to bore you -yet," he said coming closer with every word till the only thing keeping me from attacking him were the bars of the cell between us and the guards who were now keeping an eye on my every movement.

"Like it could bore us more then sitting in a cell all day and hearing that wench cry more tears then all of us thought was even possible," I said instead trying to get something out of him as I ignored the reactions of my comment from the people behind me. And I did end up getting something out of him, but not the thing I was expecting. "I haven't missed your absence for a single second," is what he ended up saying, it confused me.

But my confusion quickly changed into interest as Cardan realized something. "Absence?" I questioned him now seriously invested. "Don't you worry 'bout that," he tried telling me as unsuspicious as he possible could. And before I could question him any further Dain decide to open his mouth. "Well I suggest you get us out of here brother," he told Cardan like I hadn't tried already. "And why is that?" I heard making me roll my eyes as the frustration that went away only a few moments ago decided to make itself welcome again.

"As I have gathered were in the future, right? Meaning I'm your High king. So I don't know why I'm locked in this cell, but I strongly suggest you open it so I don't have to make your head roll against treason," Dain answered to which I immediately needed to hold in my upcoming laugh. Just the fact that he still thinks he'll ever be High King makes this whole interaction so much more amusing. And apparently Cardan thinks so to as he bursts out laughing.

"That's funny, it really is, but you'll never get out of here unless I say so," He told us and before any of us could protest we heard someone scream. "Cardan!" It was the voice of a female and I know I've heard it somewhere before, but I couldn't place it. "And that's my biggest reason why," was all I heard Cardan say before that mortal girl that had defeated me around an hour ago turned the corner.

"My Queen," Cardan said acknowledging her -why with that name, I had no idea- before taking her hand in his with a certain softness I'd never seen from him before. He raised his other hand which quickly came in contact with her cheek caressing it and that's when I realize... The cut on her cheek made by the tip of my sword. And apparently Cardan knew that to because he turned and looked at me... No, not at me... My soul. At least that's what it felt like and I didn't like it at all, it made me look vulnerable and I hated that feeling.

"So my suspicion was right," he said, but this time it didn't sound like it was all fun and games to him anymore. I didn't like where this was going and didn't feel like figuring it out anyway so... "It was you," he spoke interrupting my thoughts. I knew what he was talking about and decided to just go along with it to see what kind of reaction I would get and make it more fun on my part. "What? You mean about that little mortal wench over there," I told him with a small smirk on my face, apparently that's what did it for him.

In a matter of seconds he had moved from the spot he was standing on, abandoning the place besides that pathetic mortal girl and pulling his hand swiftly out of hers. I expected him to get angry maybe try to do something, but I knew he wouldn't have the nerve to try. I mean he never had and so he probably never will. He always had been weak and being a royal of Elfhame you'd assume it would make him look more powerful, but in my eyes he'd always be that weak little fea who wasn't even able to fight against a little bit of punishment, usually caused by his own actions as well.

But something had changed and it was immediately clear to me when he had his hand wrapped firmly around my throat. Apparently he had learned to let out the anger I always saw in his eyes. It made my mouth turn itself into a smirk. "What you smirking for?" He sneered at me while tightening his grip on my neck. "You grew up, didn't you?" I asked, but wasn't prepared for his following reaction...

He leaned down to my ear as close as he was possibly able to do with the bars still between us and whispered his next few words so quietly that I was the only one that could possibly be able to hear them. "I did and you just touched my wife with the tip of your sword..."

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