Chapter 11: *Vivienne*

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Life at the moment was great, but the thought of dying right now still seemed like a pleasant idea, maybe not my best one, but that doesn't matter at the moment now does it. Because my sister who was curled up at Locke's side in the corner was clearly already in great distress and if I would kill myself off right now, which is also something that isn't that easily achieved in this cell, which now that I think about it is actually a complement to the designer of it as no one can escape the torture of being inside it by doing suicide, so my sister who could have possibly been in a lot of agony because I would have unalived myself should thank the fae who made this disgusting creation.

I am realising now that I am still not getting to my point and am just trying to avoid it really, letting the time fly by while doing not the thing I should. But what else was I supposed to do in the annoying and boring place. Seeing and talking to Jude was the one exciting thing to do in here because I might be able to get some information out of her from the so called future we are in, but of course she has not been around for a some while, is what it feels like and that little fae who she was talking to earlier and who is now helping with the guarding of this cell will not tell me or 'us' anything at all and it is really beginning to frustrate me to a point that I can not think straight anymore.

So sometimes it might not seem like I actually care about what is happening to my family, but I do, especially now. Because even if they may not be so physically hurt by the events that have occurred today they will certainly be mentally and just the thought of it makes me uneasy. And the fact that I can and could not find anything to do about it made it even worse.

The only thing I could find to do though was observe, so that was what I did. And I have definitely done so since Cardan came down those stairs made of stone, which from down here would probably lead to our freedom, but after listening to the conversation between Cardan and his 'beloved' brothers I did not think we were all going to get there really soon. But that thought quickly changed itself in my head once Jude made a sudden appearance.

She looked the same as she did when we were dragged away to these cold dungeons, the cut that Balekin made on her cheek sharp and clean, but it only added to her usual sharp, but beautiful appearance, which was so unmistakably hers. And even if her outfit was not what I know as her usual choice I couldn't help, but take a good look at how it complimented my sister's pregnant and glowing body perfectly, like it had been specially made for her.

But I was quickly taken out of my trance. "My queen," was all Cardan said, but it immediately changed everything for me as I saw everything that had happened since we found Jude in a different light and now it all made sense to me; why she was in the royal gardens, the way the guards listened to her instead of the actual princes and the father of the babe she was growing inside her at this exact moment even though the fact that she was pregnant did not really want to process itself inside my brain, but that did not matter at the moment.

Because Balekin did not have enough of doing my sister harm as much as he already did, he needed more and 'that' more was something he apparently found in making his brother even more enraged then he already was by insulting his apparently precious pregnant wife. And it did not end that well for Balekin unless he is into some kinky shit and enjoys having a hand wrapped around his neck, it wouldn't even surprise me if that ended up being the case really.

I could see there was some conversation going on between them, but the only things I could make out as I was reading Cardans lips were; wife and sword, which meant Balekin did not have a very bright future ahead of him if he had that in the first place.

But of course my oh so pleasant thoughts were interrupted by my amazing future brother-in-law, can you tell that I am really looking forward to it? But I would not have to look forward to it if Cardan and Jude just decided to kill us off right now, which I know they are not going to do. So that was disappointing.

And now I had to listen to Locke's annoying clapping of his hands and his voice which was even worse as everything that comes out of his stupid mouth could only get us in more trouble.

"Well done gentleman. Beautiful performance, but even though I love drama as you all may know it would like to go back to our 'own time' where a party is happening right now and I wouldn't like to miss it. I mean you know how much I love them don't you Cardan?" I decided to just roll my eyes while I lay back to enjoy the upcoming drama.

"Yes I know." Was Cardan's simple response.

"Well if you indeed know how much I love parties -like you just admitted- then I'd like to know how my future self reacted to your little wedding, I mean that most have been shocking to everyone. Because we all knew how much you despised each other, I mean you almost drowned her..." My eyes widened at that new information, but Cardan's retort to that changed my attention as I was curious to what he ment.

"You know. I have wondered that myself for quite some time now."

"Oh have you now really?" I could hear the confusion in his voice and just the thought of Locke for once being not so certain about his words amused me. But for the thing that came next I had no preparation at all.

"Yes indeed I have. I mean he was killed by his own wife who was already carrying his babe which he didn't yet know about... And do you know what was the most pathetic thing in that story? He was killed by one single letter opener to his throat..." My sister, she was the one he was referring to, she killed Locke even though the two got married she sliced his throat. And I knew that because of the scream my sister next to me let out she wasn't so happy with the news, so I tried to make a light chuckle of the laugh I tried to keep inside, but it still came out a little louder than I would have liked. But then something happened after which I couldn't help it, but burst out laughing.

As my father's voice suddenly boomed through the room, cutting the silence short. "I am so proud of you! My two beautifully raised daughters." I looked at him at first to see if he was serious and when I saw a single tear roll down that man's cheek, I decided he was and couldn't help it anymore.

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