Ups and downs

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The "chance" that Jungkook spoke of was Coach Jung promising to let Taehyung head over to the speed skating team for a try-out. If he performed well, he would be able to stay on and train in the team as an unofficial member first. Once he applied for the athlete certification and obtained the qualification of a second-tier athlete or above, he would be able to join as an official member.

Taehyung practiced several days in advance for the try-out. He did not dare to practice too vigorously as he was worried that he would overstrain himself. For it had been some time since he was required to exercise so intensely.

In the wink of an eye, it was Friday once again.

Taehyung followed Jungkook to the west wing. This was his second time in this area. The previous time he was here, he had even acted as a rogue toward Jungkook. How embarrassing.

The practice venue for the speed skating team was near the practice venue for Yukhei and those on the figure skating team. Jungkook brought Taehyung to the door of the practice venue and casually pointed inside. "Head in yourself. Just say that you're looking for Coach Jung."

Taehyung stood rooted to the ground. He appeared somewhat hesitant and spoke haltingly, "How about, eh, you head in with me to have a look?"

Jungkook lowered his head and watched him with crossed arms. His eyes rested on Taehyung's for a few moments before switching up the corners of his lips. "So... you get frightened too?"

Taehyung thought this was not a matter of him being frightened. He simply felt that the presence of another person was better for bolstering courage.

He stood there in silence. From his hesitation, Jungkook could decipher a certain degree of bashfulness. He lightly rubbed his head.

Taehyung took it that Jungkook was unwilling to accompany him. Thus, he braced himself, turned, and stepped into the practice venue.

Jungkook stretched out his long legs and followed behind him unhurriedly. He was tall and his strides were long, so what would have been a normal walking pace was to him a slow, stroll.

Jung Eunji was currently overseeing the team's strength training. When she raised her head, she saw a young guy walk into the practice venue. The boy was quite good-looking with large eyes, and a face that still retained some baby fat. Behind the young guy was Jungkook. Here, he was trailing behind him docilely just like an oversized puppy. The only thing missing from this picture was a leash wound around the young guy's hand.

Eunji had never seen Jungkook like this before. Feeling how bizarre this was, she could not hold in her amusement and broke into a peal of light laughter.

Jungkook saw Eunji and waved to her. "Coach Jung."

Taehyung walked over and bowed. He greeted, "Hello, Coach Jung." Then, he straightened up and secretly observed Coach Jung.

It was said that Coach Jung's son was already in university. However, she looked relatively young and had the appearance of someone in her early thirties. Her neat bob was dyed a deep brown. She had slender single eyelids, thin lips, and cheeks that were lightly dotted with freckles.

Just as Taehyung was observing her, she was also observing Taehyung.

As Eunji swept her eyes over Taehyung from head to toe, a slight smile appeared on her face subconsciously.

From just his body alone, this boy had a good stature. His body proportions were excellent with a slim waist and long legs. In particular, his legs were straight and long, perfect for speed skating.

Eunji let Taehyung change into the appropriate clothing and a pair of skates, and let him warm up his body first.

Then, holding a stopwatch, she timed Taehyung's speed.

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