That's true love

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When Taehyung saw Jungkook suddenly fall, his heart skipped a beat and he leaped to his feet.

The live audience was confused as well. The large display screen replayed the scene, showing that Jungkook did not receive any attacks.

It couldn't possibly be that he pretended to fall, could he?

However, Jungkook did not get up again after falling. His body slumped on the ice. When the medics came over to lift him away, Jungkook did not react at all, allowing them to shift him as they please.

Taehyung left the place hurriedly and headed out. He must make sure that the ravenette was fine—right now, right away!

Out of the spectators' stand, he gave Manager Ok a call.

Manager Ok was now as good as Jungkook's agent. Over the phone, he said, "Taehyung, we're rushing towards the hospital now. The closest hospital is Yejang-dong City General Hospital. Come over by yourself."

Taehyung's voice shook when he replied. "Okay."

After hanging up, numerous frightening thoughts flashed across his mind chaotically. However, he forced himself to not think about it.

He did not dare to entertain those thoughts in case they become real.

He forcefully cleared all thoughts in his mind and went on his way. His face was wooden as he hailed a cab and rushed to the hospital.

At the hospital, Taehyung did not manage to find Manager Ok. Several reporters recognized him and crowded around, overwhelming him with questions.

Taehyung looked at them with reddened eyes. "Does nothing else matter besides the news? Don't you have any compassion?"

The reporters were startled. Taehyung pushed them away and dialed Manager Ok's number as he walked off. Two reporters followed him with their phones relentlessly. When Taehyung looked back and saw them, he grabbed one of the phones in a fit of anger and dashed it to the ground.


The phone shattered into pieces under heavy impact.

The reporter was furious. "What are you doing?!"

Taehyung looked at him frostily. "Follow me again and the next to shatter will be your head. I'll do what I said." After saying this, he turned and continued to walk forward while on the phone with Manager Ok.

The reporter raged. "I'll expose you!"

Taehyung turned and glanced at him. He gave a mocking smile. "Do you know who my grandfather is?"

The reporter opened his mouth but did not speak. Indeed, there had been online rumors that this boy was someone with a background...

After putting on a show, Taehyung finally managed to lose those people and find Manager Ok.

Manager Ok and the rest had just reached themselves. Currently, he was accompanying Jungkook for a check-up. Besides him, the ice hockey team leader, coach, and training assistant were there as well. They bustled around and answered numerous calls. Taehyung was silent as he was guarded by Jungkook's side. He stared at Jungkook's pale face as he lay completely still on the bed, tears rolling softly off his cheeks. In that instant, he felt like he had been abandoned by the world.

As it was a sudden fall without any warning. Jungkook went through a heart and brain assessment first.

After the EEG test results and the CT scan was out, he was transferred to the Department of Neurosurgery.

The neurosurgical doctor scrutinized the scans for a moment. He asked, "Has the patient injured his head recently?"

They shook their heads in unison. The training assistant elaborated, "He hasn't suffered from any recent injuries. The athletes will wear protective gear during both training and competitions."

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