PR crisis

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Early the next morning, Jungkook's Gossip Information Counter posted a long wall of text. The post opened with a summary of the reason for deleting the photos yesterday. Then, came the highlight...

Just yesterday night, 7 hours after the incident between Jungkook and Taehyung happened, the gossip account owner received messages from many students who said that they saw Taehyung parading through the streets with a guy. Why did they say that it was "parading"? Well, this was because the two of them were holding countless stuffed toys! It was impossible for them to not attract attention even if they did not intend to do so!

This post was released with numerous photos of Taehyung and Yukhei walking through the campus that was secretly captured from various angles and locations. With the number of toys they held, it was indeed conspicuous. The last of these photos showed Taehyung bidding farewell to Yukhei outside his dormitory building. His whole body was almost covered by stuffed toys after Yukhei passed the ones he held back to him.

In this photo, they were gazing at each other with faint smiles on their faces.

"This reeks of love!" the gossip account owner declared.

At the end of this post, the gossip account owner even supplemented some information on Yukhei, the young male lead of this incident. He was relatively famous in the figure skating circle and had won numerous awards. Perhaps due to being a new student, Yukhei was not as well-known as Jungkook. However, this had changed with this incident...

Lastly, there was a photo of Yukhei accepting an award on stage at the age of 16. In the photo, he had yet to hit puberty. The baby fats were obvious on his face, and his brows and eyes were clean, delicate, and tender.

The gossiping crowd had yet to recover from the intense play on the sports field yesterday afternoon. Seeing this new post, they went wild.

What the heck was this! Going on a date with two different guys within the same day? And with both guys being gods too? Is it that all good-looking guys these days had poor eyesight? If they weren't blind, why would they be attracted to such a disgusting flirt? Poor Jungkook and poor Yukhei! Please wise up and see Taehyung for the huge liar that he is...


When Jungkook saw this gossip, he was in the middle of class.

Donghee was triggered by goodness knew what and suddenly swore to study well. Therefore, he did not skip class or fall asleep this morning. He even took the initiative to sit next to Jungkook, intending to bask in the halo of a top student.

It was a pity that after mere minutes of concentration, he became distracted and started fiddling with his phone.

Jungkook was taking notes when Donghee suddenly tapped his arm. He leaned away but Donghee kept tapping him. Puzzled, Jungkook raised his head and looked over.

Donghee's eyes were filled with sympathy. He passed his phone over and whispered, "Dude, brace yourself."

Jungkook took the phone and lowered his head to look at it.

His fingers brushed the screen lightly. His eyes were lowered and his face was impassive. However, Donghee could feel the atmosphere tensing up.

Heart in his mouth, Donghee dared not even make a peep.

When Jungkook finished reading and passed the phone back to him, Donghee could hear the distinct sound of grinding teeth. Then, his phone in hand, Jungkook stood up abruptly and headed for the door.

Jungkook was sitting in the third row. Between him and the aisle was a plump Donghee. Now that he wanted to leave, the two of them caused a small stir that attracted the attention of students behind and distracted them from paying attention to the lecture.

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