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Karan's pov.

I was roaming in my room here and there restlessly and was continuously checking the time. I checked it for the last time and relief filled me.


I immediately opened the door of my room and checked outside if anyone is still awoke. But seeing the empty corridor I stepped outside but stopped abruptly and again headed back inside my room stuffing the thing in my pocket I headed outside.

It was 10:30pm and everyone would be asleep by now. So I can go and check her. She is alone outside.

Yeah!! I'm angry, Way too much angry. But still can't risk her life.

She have freed herself from that trap  but couldn't reach the academy at time. I saw in the CCTV, and she stayed in the jungle.

Though two guards always stands outside the academy gate but.. Still!! I'm not satisfied.

And why aren't you satisfied??

Because, Param bhai will kill me right here if her princess got heart a bit.

Oo really!! Is it the only reason.. Huh!!!

Shut up. You are not my boss... I'm yours. So just say whatever I'm thinking. Get that??


I realized that guards were watching me in Confusion as I reached at the entrance and was debating with my conscience.

I inhale a deep breath and made a stern face.I signalled them to open the entrance of academy and walked towards the jungle.



Bloody Khadoos!!

I hope my husband Lucifer burns him in the hell!!

I mean, He didn't even think that how could I stay here for the whole fucking night. All alone!!

What if goons came and abducts you???


What if a big Dinosaur sized lion came and eat you like biriyani??

Can you please keep your fucking trap shut for a moment??


I'm grateful!

I shouted in my head at my conscience as it kept presenting the worst possibilities for this situation.

Moment passed. Now can i speak??

Can I exchange you somewhere??

This stupid inner voi-


What kind of voice was that...??

It felt like the voice of dried leaves as If someone was walking on it.

What if this is not someone but, Something???? Hehehehe... *smiling Devishly*

Oh Just Shut The Fuck Up!! Please!!!!

The voice was becoming louder as that something, or may be, someone was getting closer.

I slowly stepped behind a tree. My heart was almost about to come in my mouch. My breathing was out of control

I immediately need a ventilator!!

Please!! I would rather like to die by the hands of that hot Khadoos but don't want to become a food of any animal. Please, Have some mercy on-

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