Mounting Pressure (Part 2) (EDITED)

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The ride into town was quiet.

Nick behind the wheel. Seblia in the passenger seat. Katey in the back - legs stretched over the seat. The radio was tuned to a contemporary station and loud enough to replace the lack of noise. The trees and houses of a subdivision passed Seblia's eyes as she stared out the window. Nick slowed down at a crossroads, turning right onto Main St. The downtown square was just ahead. Coming to another intersection, Nick brought them to a gentle stop as the light went red - letting a group of people on the corner cross.

Katey poked her head over Nick's seat, pointing ahead. "Hey look."

Pulled from looking at nothing, Seblia followed her friend's finger, spotting the courthouse in the square's center. A large, plastic sign on a metal frame sat on the front lawn. Strands of decorative flags held it to the ground.

Fall Town Festival

5:30 pm, Friday. 10/25/19

Food, Music, Marketplace

"Looks like the festival is happening," Katey commented, pulling her arm back.

Nick looked over his shoulder. "They weren't planning on doing it?"

"Yeah, the mayor wasn't counting on the rain to hold out."

Seblia looked to the far end of the courthouse - past the concrete border of the lawn. The road just past it was roped off by traffic cones with several trailers and tents already set up. A group of people buzzed about, setting up more gear for the festival.

"Looks like they've already blocked off the vendor space." She noted, pointing over there.

"They still got Bourbon Snackin'?" Nick asked, pulling forward as the light turned green. He peered at the vendor space before looking back at the road.

Seblia shrugged. "I don't know. I wasn't there last year."

"Yeah, don't remember them being here." Katey chimed in.

Nick chuckled, letting a car in front pull from the curb. "Had a feeling. They were this brewery out of Columbus. Sold your usual fair food, but their hotdogs and burgers were the real deal."

He allowed himself to indulge in the savory memory. He could feel his lips watering.

"Soaked in bourbon after cooking and paired with toasted buns, damn it was good," He recollected, pulling to another traffic light just a block from the cafe. "The Downtown Blitz."

Seblia blinked at him. "Downtown Blitz?"

"It's what they used to call the festival when I started college. Heh, probably wasn't family-friendly enough for someone."

"You know, that sounds about right," Katey concurred. Her lips felt the urge to water. "Though, that sounds amazing."

"Last time I checked, the brewery is still open."


Seblia gave her friend a smug look. "Like you're even 21, Huey."

Katey shot one right back, gently slugging her shoulder. "Oi, I will be in a few months for your information, Miss Floofer,"

The two laughed while Nick smiled, pulling the truck into a spot along the curb between two parked cars. They stopped right in front of the cafe. As the engine turned off, Katey smacked the headrest of Seblia's seat.

"How about after this all blows over, we all go to the festival?"

"I'm game," said Nick.

However, Seblia's smile dropped. However, she nodded. "Sure, but I-I wanna get through tonight first."

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