??? (EDITED)

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Seblia jolted awake, sucking down air. She nearly fell over, finding she was up on her feet. Patting herself down, she grasped her jacket and leotard, kneading the fabric to make sure it was real. Then, she looked at her arms - her skin pale, not a single spot to be found. It was then her concern drifted to the utter lack of anything around her.

The void was quiet. Seblia could comprehend that as she stared into the abyss. No horizon in sight. She could vaguely make out a thick fog that surrounded her.


Her voice was lost in nothingness, bouncing off unseen walls and echoing back. It morphed into several voices - all calling out in intervals. Then like a murmuring crowd, they went quiet.


Seblia spun around, looking for the new voice. The void made it warp around her, unable to pinpoint its origin.


"P-please...h-help me."

Lacking spatial understanding, she found a direction she was certain it was coming from. She followed it - her shoes tapping against the non existent floor. The voice grew louder as she approached, but she couldn't see anything. However, the more she kept going, the more she picked up the pace.

"Help me...Help me..."

Seblia broke into a jog, closing an invisible distance that she couldn't ascertain. She slowed down, trying to hear the voice again. However, her foot sank past where the ground had been. She tumbled into an unseen pit, screaming as she spun over and over. It all stopped when she smacked face first against something solid. Another floor had come up to meet her. Solid, yet the sudden stop barely hurt. Her head still spun, reeling from the lack of painful feedback as she pushed herself up. She climbed to her feet when something caught her eye.

A woman laid before her collapsed on her side, dressed in a battered, glowing white gown with a familiar head of brown hair. Seblia felt a lump lodge in her throat. She stared petrified at herself lying on the floor. The copy then stirred, lifting its head. Her eyes shot open, completely bloodshot. Seblia flinched as her copy thrust an arm at her - her face in complete anguish.

"Please, help me." She begged as tears streaked down her cheeks. "S-she's coming..."

While her mind tried to process the sight, Seblia's body moved on its own. She rushed over, lifting under the fallen woman's shoulders. Getting a sense of her own weight, she got her up, using her shoulder as support. She froze as something rumbled in the distance.

She looked around, darting her eyes from here to there. "W-w-what was that?"

"It's her."

Another rumble - this one closer. Seblia felt her chest tighten. She took off with her other self in a random direction, looking around to find something, anything. Another rumble, much closer now. She could almost feel something upon them. She pushed forward, hoping this direction wasn't misguided. However, her wandering eyes then caught a glimpse of something. She screeched to a halt, staring at the floor.

Her other self didn't cast shadow, but she did by some unseen light source.

It was long, standing taller than her with its arms at its side.

"It-it has you."

Seblia felt her other self push away. She turned to see her fall onto her back - her bloodshot eyes didn't dart away as she crawled away.

"Let me go, leave me be!"

"W-wait, what do you mean?"

"Go away! You've taken enough!"

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