Chapter 1

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Arya POV

We have been at sea for a fortnight with no land in sight. We are running low on food and freshwater making tensions between the men high on the ship.
" My Lady, should we set the birds free again?" One of the men ask me.
" I am not a lady! I don't know how many times I must explain that!" I snap back rudely. Okay so I might be a little restless stuck in this ship for so long. "Just set them free and do not call me Lady," I said in a much more pleasant voice. He set the three birds free and they fly off in opposite directions. I hear a growl and look over to Nymeria baring her the teeth at the birds. I know she is hungry and wants off this boat. We all do.
Just a couple of hours later all the birds fly back. The ship is silent as everyone starts realizing just how screwed we all are. Not one person speaks until the sky starts to darken. Looking up I realize that it is a storm and not the night sky as I thought.
"BOOM" the loudest crack of thunder I ever heard goes off suddenly. Everyone on the boat jumped, you could feel the vibration in the ship just from the thunder. Even more odd there is no lightening, no rain. Only thunder.
The wind picks up out of no where, while the thunder continues to boom back to back almost like a song. At this point everyone is running around trying to lift the sails while the boat rocks violently side to side. I am frozen. There is this feeling that I cannot explain that makes me unable to help my men with anything. Then a flash of blue is in the water as a slowly walk to the edge and look over. The only thing I could make out was yellow eyes looking back at me with a grin and then I blacked out.

——————————————————————————— Floki POV
I wake up from my dream and giggle.
"She's coming! She's coming!" I run around collecting my things happily knowing the girl from Ragnar's and my dreams will soon be here. For the past 3 months the two of us have been having dreams of the same girl. Ragnar does not like to listen but I know she will be a gift from the gods! In my dream her boat hit and unexpected storm. Walking outside and looking to the sky I see nothing but blue so maybe I won't meet her today but soon! Yes! Soon!

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