Chapter 4

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The tall one makes his way over to me and sits on the edge of the bed as I slowly sit up. He looks at me and giggles again. I have yet to say anything. The handsome one slowly walk over to the bed but just stands there.

"Do not be scared. We found you on the beach and brought you back to Floki's home," handsome says. I lift my eyebrow and give him a deadpanned look.

"Do not mistake my silence for fear. I do not scare easily," I said without emotion. Floki giggles louder than before while handsome smirks.

"Well, fearless one. I am Ragnar Lothbrok. What might your name be?" He asks.

"Arya Stark," I reply. Just then a knock is heard. Floki gets up to go see who it is. Ragnar takes his seat and continues smirking at me. " Could I get some water?" I ask softly. I hate that I have to ask but see no other option. He nods and then goes to the door as soon as Floki pops back in.

"Ragnar, Torsten is here. Earl Haraldson request us and said to bring her," Floki says looking worried.

"How did he even know? She hasn't been here a full day yet?" Ragnar says angry and confused. Floki shrugs his shoulders and leaves the room again. Ragnar looks back at me in worry. "Come Arya. We must go," he says gesturing to me. I get up and stretch before grabbing needle and put it in my belt. Ragnar says nothing and just watches me. We walk out the room and see Floki standing next to a big blonde man.

"Arya this is Torsten a good friend," Ragnar says laying a hand on the mans shoulder. I give him a nod and he nods back giving me a curious look. Standing in the room with the men I realize just how much shorter I am. I've never really minded it because it makes people underestimate me but in this moment I wish I was slightly taller.

We start walking through the woods when I realize Nymeria isn't with us.

"Where's Nymeria?" I ask. When suddenly she jumps out in front of us. Torstein literally shrieks like a little girl and jumps while Nymeria walks right past him to stand next to me. I couldn't help but laugh and the other two join in. "For a second there I thought you were a little girl, Torstein," I say mockingly.

"Wha...what is that thing?" He says pointing at her.

"She is obviously a wolf, dimwit. Her name is Nymeria," Ragnar tells his friend. He just shakes his head and we continue walking.

After a while we make it to the village. It's not much to look at but I've seen worse places. As we walk past everyone stops to stare and whisper. Then a little boy about 5 walks up to Nymeria. His mother seems to be watching as I hear her yell "No!" Quickly running over. I stop walking and crouch down to the boy running my hand down Nymeria's back.

"It's alright. She won't hurt you," I tell the boy laying his hand on her back before the mother makes it. Now she is standing a few feet away in fear and he runs his hands down Nymeria giggling. Then she accidentally knocks him over and starts licking his face. He is full out laughing now while his mother has gone completely white. I tap her and she steps back. Immediately the mother picks her son up and runs away. I stand up and look to see the men had stopped and were smiling at me.

Soon we make it to the biggest house in the village. When we walk in I see all men the only woman present sits on a throne with an ugly old guy next to her. He stands up as we enter and spreads his arms.

"Ragnar! Floki! How happy I am to see you! You brought the girl great!" He says. Then Nymeria walks out from behind me. The men around the room start drawing their swords making Nymeria growl. I lay a hand on her and she calms down. Everyone is frozen.

"She will attack no one without reason," I state calmly. Than waves his hand and the men stand down.

"What is your name girl?" He asks.

"Arya" I reply.

" I called you all here to tell you we are going into battle. The seer came to me and said that a girl would be at Floki's and she is a gift from the Gods to ensure a better future. Now I'm sure a little girl like you has never fought in a battle but Ragnar here along with his brother Rollo are my best warriors. They will both personally train you.we will leave in 3 months time Floki I'm sure the boats will be ready by then?" He says in an attitude I do not like. Little girl?! Who does he think he is? I go to step forward but Ragnar grabs my arm and shakes his head at me. I narrow my eyes at him and speak anyways.

"I am not a little girl. I have killed hundreds of men and fought in battles against things your eyes have never seen. I need no training," I say calmly looking him dead in the eyes. He starts laughing. This man is truly wishing for death.

"Okay little girl. Let's see you fight. Rollo take her to the training grounds," he says still slightly laughing.

We make it to the training grounds and soon most of the village is standing around us wanting to know what's going on.

"We'll go on! Fight!" The Earl says loudly. I stand there calmly across from Rollo. I slowly take out needle and hold it behind my back.

"Do not hold back," I say very seriously he looks at me in disbelief but still takes out his sword. After staring at each other for another minute. "If you are waiting for me to strike first you will be waiting a long time," I tell him. He looks at the Earl who nods at him.

He runs towards me and swings his sword to the right. I quickly spin out of the way at the very last second turn and he goes to swing again. The next couple of minutes is me with my hands behind my back twisting,spinning, and jumping around him while he gets angry.

"Fight not run!" The Earl screams. The next time Rollo comes at me I jump to the side aiming a punch at his face in the two seconds it takes him to recover I do a spinning kick to his hand making him drop his sword. Then my right hand has needle pointing at his throat and my left hand has a dagger ready to stab him in the gut. I stand there for a second looking into his eyes. He reminds me of Gendry, he is very handsome. I wonder if he is married I wouldn't mind some fun.

Everyone around us is silent and Rollo looks at me in disbelief and admiration. I stand down put my weapons away and walk to Ragnar who is giving me the same look Rollo gave me.

"Can I please get something to drink now?" I say annoyed. He snaps out of it smiles and gives me a nod telling me to follow him.

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