Chapter 2

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Ragnar POV

After waking up terrified for this girl I've yet to met I knew I had to see Floki. After breaking the fast with my family I set off in my boat and start rowing my way to Floki's. After getting out of the boat I could already hear my friends giggles from the surrounding trees.
"Floki! You know why I am here! Stop hiding and bring your arse!" I yell playfully. Dropping from a branch Floki stands in front of me with that grin he always wears.
"Ah! So we shared a dream again did we *giggle* well the gods will send her to us soon! I'm sure of it!" Floki says after touching foreheads.

Floki and I started walking the way to his house when we hear a growl and turn around to see the biggest wolf I have ever seen. It bares its teeth and make another low growl but other wise does not seem threatening at all.
"Fenrir?" Floki says confused. I look at him with wide eyes terrified by the beautiful beast in front of me. To my shock the wolf shakes it's head to answer no. It slowly walks up to Floki and gently grabs the sleeve of his tunic between its teeth and pulls him in the opposite direction from which we were heading.

After standing a few minutes in complete shock I hurry to catch up to the wolf who is dragging my friend. After a couple minutes of walking we reach the end of the forest and make our way down the beach. After our feet hit the sand the wolf let's go of Floki and takes off running to a figure that lays halfway in the water. Running with Floki we quickly reach the wolf to realize it is whining softly and looks concerned for the person it sits next too.

Floki quickly flips the girl over and it's her. After a moment of shock Floki checks her over and determines that she is just sleeping. He picks her up and we start walking once again back to his house. Neither of us says a word, not knowing what to say.

After seeing the literal girl of our dreams, we had forgotten all about the wolf who is now slowly following us on the way home. After setting her on his bed the three of us (including the wolf) just stare at her hoping she wakes up.

Arya POV

I slowly open my eyes just to slam them closed again from a blinding headache. Trying once again but much slower I'm able to get a look around the room. I'm on a bed in a cabin. There are two chairs close to the bed but other than that the room is empty besides Nymeria who lays asleep in a corner. Thank the Gods she is alright I don't know what I would do if I lost her again.
"Ny...Nymer..ia" I softly try to call out to her. Her ear twitches before her head swings my way. Immediately she gets up to jump on top of me on the bed and starts to licking my face. Laughing loudly I try to shove her off and wipe my face at the same time but she refuses to move. Laying her complete body on top of mine and her head in the crook of my neck she gets comfortable as I run my hands through her fur and lay a kiss on her head.

I hear the creak of a door opening and turning to see two men picking their heads into the doorway with a bewildered look on each of their faces. I sit there staring at them in silence. I feel both of my daggers are still in my boots and needle is laying across one of the chairs but I don't even feel the need of going for my weapons.

After a minutes of us staring at each other Nymeria lifts her head up to look at them. She makes eye contact with me before getting up and bumping them both with her head. I still sit in silence staring at her with my eyebrows scrunched up.

Then the tall one lets outa giggle and I start to look both men up and down. The tall one has dark kohl around his eyes and a dangerous glint in his eyes, a bit skinny but still has muscle. The shorter one is gorgeous. He has more muscle but is a significant amount shorter than his counterpart with blond hair pulled back in a short braid. It's his eyes that pull me in, bluer than the sky on a clear day. The look this man sends me has me clenching my thighs together. I've never felt this way and the closest feeling I've had to it was with Gendry but this was much stronger. Who is this man?

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