IMAGINE 3: Valentines

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Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact)


Itto pissing you off all day, persuading you to go on a date with which you kept refusing to cuz you didn't want to see all those kissy, lovey-dovey, disgusting couples openly flirting on the streets.

Yes. It was valentines day.

You had good self-control. Especially good at handling those normal, stressful situations calmly. But this was not a normal situation, no. It was definitely on purpose and both of you know it.

But one thing made you snap.

Itto was still throwing tasteless insults at you and also openly flirting to get you all riled up yet none of his pick-up lines was working. The only moments where you were enarmed by him was when he was earnest about his feelings and bought you a bouquet of onikabuto. It was weird and some might say a dumb thing to do, but to you, it only seemed that he was trying hard to get your affirmation. And you appreciated that. And even after so many months of dating..

His antics today are beginning to work, lighting your fuse.

Your face sat expressionless just like any occasion, yet you sometimes notice that maybe you were showing signs of annoyance based on his reaction. He knows what he's doing is working.

He grabbed a chocolate bar and popped a bite out to crunch it with his teeth. Who tf chews on chocolate? Yet he grabbed another one and let it sit by his lips and fangs, blatantly showing them to you proudly as of he's done something big.

You leaned by the kitchen counter, sipping on the boba Ayato offered which to your surprise suited your taste. You just have to finish the whole cup. It was good.

Your gaze lingered on the windowsill, subtly avoiding Itto (As you were doing the whole day) while clearly being aware of his actions. He giddily neared you with a grin and finally standing right in front of you "Hey." he started.

You glanced, well, more like glared at him while he pointed at the chocolate between his mouth "Wook." muffled, he replied.

Looking away exasperatingly at his stupidness, you ignored him. You knew it was his honest work of trying to impress you, but you also knew that it was one of his tricks to persuade you to go outside to the annoying streets of lovebirds. And you weren't about to fall for his trap.

He huffed at your reaction and brightened up when he came up with an idea. He victoriously placed his fists on his hips and tried to speak out "Ish you can take dish choco hrom me, Aw hhap mothering hu." You concluded he said 'If you can take this choco from me, I'll stop bothering you.'

This perked your attention and snapped your gaze back to him "You sure about that?" you try to affirm, even though you know that he was never one to break his word.

"Oh courh! Ih not ran to hreak aigh urds." See.

You thought about it for a second, wondering how he could propose something so simple as to give up on pestering you? Placing the boba down, you start to reach out to take the sweet away from his lips just as he took all of it in his mouth when your fingers were inches away.

You scrunched your eyebrows in surprise while he grinned in victory, the chocolate still sitting inside his mouth, not chewing on it this time. 

You were not about to let this happen.

You swiftly rotated your body to deliver a gentle yet precise kick on the back of his kneecaps, making him kneel down and gasp in surprise. You then hurriedly grabbed on one of his horns, making him yelp from its sensitive stimulation and you harshly pushed your mouth into his.

His eyes widened at the sudden gesture. It all happened in a blur, and now he's kneeling, being roughly manhandled by you with ease. Your other hand grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. Itto was still a big guy even when kneeling down.

He whimpered at your harsh gesture and struggled to return your kiss when you started to snake your tongue inside his mouth, stroking his horns to make things easier for you when he moaned out at the sudden zap of stimulation. You felt around inside the wet hollow, finally tasting the sweet dessert he neglected to give you earlier.

His eyes were shut tight now, focusing on your lead and sighing between the heated kiss, his face also starting to burn red from being flustered. Whimpers started to escape his throat when you pulled away from him, him panting with his tongue dangling out before licking his lips, still heavily breathing.

You, on the other hand, chewed on the chocolate you stole from him, copying his ways and savoring the sweet lingering taste. You both know what this means now, he stops bothering you to go outside.

You smirked below him as he relished the lingering taste of your lips on him and sighed out "Fuck..." he covered his face in embarrassment. Finishing the last bits of the dessert, you removed the hand covering his tomato-flushed face and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you.

Grabbing his rough-handled fingers, you looked down on him with a flirty stare "How bout' we have our date inside the house, hm?" you proposed, kissing his knuckles lightly that jolts butterflies in his stomach, making him more speechless and rattled. He sighed as an attempt to calm his nerves and with him not trusting his stuttering words right now,

He nodded.


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