IMAGINE 9: Fluffy

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Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact)


He had become aware of it just now.

And with that, he quite anticipated each one.

He wasn't the one who started it per se, but it was around the time before he had to hush and run which was your instruction. But it was not his forte. He always does things by facing it right up and maybe go down on it with a challenge. That's how he handled everything coming in his way. 

But things have been a little confusing when you came.

You had to drag him away along with his little group to hide from the Tenryou Commission. And Itto being Itto, he had just caused a ruckus and alerted the unwanted group. You tucked him on your side like a sack and covered his mouth while he wiggled and resisted. Of course his group had to follow you. Seeing their boss being dragged away like some big sack of flour.

Yes. You were strong. Strong enough to lift and carry him with ease. He wasn't complaining about it before, hoping for a good fight, but it seems to backfire, falling victim to your hold.

"Boss!!" They yelled, catching up to you and the wiggling worm on your side

"Vou ghais, Imph hine, noo, velph mee" He blabbered, which probably meant 'You guys, I'm fine, noo help mee'

Your face remained expressionless. Internally rolling your eyes as you swiftly took him away through the beach behind the cliff. You stopped your tracks as you reached sand and looked around for hidden danger. Upon confirming, you nodded to yourself "Mm. This is fine." And gently placed down the giant as he dramatically stumbled back, hands on his knees panting as if he was the one running

"YOU-" a handful of sand flew to his face, cutting him off as you shook off the remains of the sand you just kicked "Don't yell. Someone might hear us." You informed as he coughed off the sand that had gotten in his mouth and shook his head off like a drenched puppy "My eyes-" and continued coughing

The rest of the gang showed up as you guided him near the water and made him crouch, cupping up the liquid to gently wash them off his face.

I feel like I'm taking care of a 5 year-old child..

The rest of the gang sat on the sand while worriedly looking at their boss, missing what had happened moments prior "What happened?" Genta asked, the rest of them also oblivious

You shook off the matter "He just wanted to freshen up-" I assured

"No you-" And you shoved more water in his mouth for him to spit it out. Gotta get it clean.

You finished helping him wash it off and stood up to stand guard in case of pursuit. They all settled down while Itto didn't stop complaining about how you were just casually manhandling him and saying that he can handle them all by himself but you weren't listening. You approached the back to watch the nearby cave "You're gonna ruin your reputation even more. It'll cause more trouble." While he exasperatedly sat on the rock "Yeah? And what's that gotta do with you?" He pouted in annoyance, reminiscing all the bitter times he asked you to join the gang yet you always answered with a flat 'no'. He knoew he couldn't force you to so he accepted it. Attempting to roll his eyes childishly (he doesn't know how to) he huffed as he wiped his face on...

The long scarf that you're still wearing around your neck.

You subtly glared at him from above as he noticed and shrugged it off "What? My face is now clean so your thing won't be dirty." He reasoned, not a big deal.

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