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Scout wakes from his nap feeling unrested and groggy. It was the closest to being hungover he'd felt since the morning after his first kiss with Sniper. His tee shirt had slipped from his eyes and he squints at the harsh morning light. He smacks his lips, mouth dry and foul tasting. He fishes out a metal flask from by his feet and drains the contents. His right sholder aches. His arse is itchy and the cabin smells like cum.

"We're gonna' reach Katherine in five hours or so." Sniper speaks waving a hand at the GPS screen on the dash.

"Oh yeah?" Scout says boredly, flicking a booger. The heat and poor sleep making him irritable.

"What's the time?"

"Nine a.m, you slept for an hour or so."

"Sick. I feel like shit."

"You smell like shit."

"Piss off."

Piss off was something that Sniper always says. It makes him grin.

"Theres a national park in Edith six hours away. Edith falls 's called, there's a camp ground and amenities and a swimming hole and that if you like that kinda' thing, we'll stay there the night, longer if you've had enough o' travelling." 

They could have stayed in an unmarked camp site on the side of the highway and Sniper had been in half a mind too but Darwin was another days drive away and the idea of watching scout go swimming was tempting enough to pay for a night in a camp ground. Indeed, rather out of character for the bushman.

"Swimming eh? Doesn't sound so bad. This heats freakin' killing' me." Scout perks up. He winds down the window and pulls a face as the air coming in is red hot and dry as a bone. It whips his chocolate brown hair back and the boy squints into the onslaught feeling all the moisture wicking from his eyes. He sticks his head out the window and sticks his tongue out like a dog. It drys out immediately. 

"Scout can ya do that window up we're doin' a hundred n' thirty." Sniper yells over the wind noise.

Scout pulls his head back in and dose up the window. He smacks his lips and tastes dirt and sand between his teeth. He takes a long drought from a plastic water bottle pulling a face at the stale sour taste.

"We're not staying in a cabin are we?" He asks wiping a bandaged had across his mouth.

"Didn't book one. Should I 'ave?"

"I don't wanna stay in a cabin, or a crappy motel, they're always run down and freakin stink an—"

"Were not gonna..." Sniper interjects tiredly.

" —An this morning... I don't wanna go though that again. I think I'm done with people for a while."

Sniper makes a noise like something caught in his throat.
How could I forget. He thinks. He glances at Scouts right sholder where a large bruise is starting to bloom like a purple flower. He feels a pinch of guilt.

"Well the camp site should be quiet, don't need to worry about people too much."

Scout nods and shuffles in his seat. "...But the sex, I reckon I could get used to that." He's got that shit eating grin on his face, the one that has Sniper unsure if he wants to punch him or devour him.

Sniper takes his eyes from the road and pulls off his sunnies. With an eyebrow raised he fixes Scout with an intense stare, one that the boy can't decipher. Sniper bites down on the arm of his sunglasses as he glances at the sheen of sweat over the boys chest. Definitely the latter.

"You o'right to stay in the camper with me then?"

Scouts watching the way Snipers looking him up and down. He's trying to play it cool but his comrade has just turned his insides to jelly.

The Beat Of Birds Wings - TF2 (Sniper x Scout)Where stories live. Discover now