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The van squeals to a stop at a servo as the sun begins to dip into the red dirt horizon. Sniper yanks on the hand break and unclips his seatbelt, he pauses and glances at Scout. He pushes his hair back with his sun glasses and relises he's still frowning. He raises an eyebrow at the trail of drool on the boys cheek, Snipers expression softens.

Scout feels the cut of the engine, the stillness unnerving after hours of it's nursing rumble, and stirs from his restless sleep. He pulls the folded t-shirt off his eyes and looks at the digital clock on the dash raido. Six twelve, he remembers something Sniper said about stopping for the night.

"Whats happening?" Scout says before sitting up. He sees the gass pump and the entrance to the run down servo. The place looks deserted.

"Getting gass." Sniper says hopping out of the van, sunnies on. He smooths his hair back with a hand.

"Wont anything?" he adds, cigarette pinched in the corner of his mouth.


The door slams and Scout watches the top of Snipers head disappear round the side of the van.

He sits for a moment with his feet up on the glove box and his arms folded, waiting for the grogginess to pass. His brow's furrowed and he bites his lip. Everything smells like cigarettes and it pisses him off.

The gaspipe cuts. A moment later Scout watches as Sniper approaches the building and dissappears behind the tinted glass as the door closes behind him.

Bare feet slap against the concrete as Scout hops out of the van. Theres that relief and tightness in his muscles as he streaches. The boredom of long car trips is almost enough to make him cry. He reaches for his toes. Hes just short of makeing it. Theres that shooting pain through the back of his legs. Scout remembers base ball practice with a pang, it felt like forever ago, he was out of shape. He slams the door and heads after Sniper.

His fingers find a loose thread on the inside of his tracksuit pocket. He fidgets with it as he pushes open the door. A bell jingles over the sound of Sniper talking to the guy at the counter. Scout's met with a small room packed with neon lights and rows of confectionery, glass soda fridges and odd stationary items like razors and magazines. He approaches a shelve of chips and nuts and begins to pick them up and inspect them, he catches a line of conversation.

"Ahh. Here he is now. My... ah, son."

Scouts eyebrows shoot up, he scoffs in surprise. He hears Sniper turn to look at him. Ah-hem Scout clears his throat and makes a show of coughing. He can feel both there eyes on him.

son eh?


The Beat Of Birds Wings - TF2 (Sniper x Scout)Where stories live. Discover now