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"Go to the Misty mountain" I nodded.

"The sun will rise soon, demons burn under the sunlight, you should get him covered up" Tomioka-san said, I nodded "Well arigatō Tomioka-san, we'll be on our way" I said and I hold Tanjiro's hand was about to walk away, I turned around "Oh where is that place exac-" he was gone "tly" I sighed.

I buried all the bodies into the grave I dugged in our garden, I sighed "I am sorry, I promised I would give you all a nice new years but I couldn't " I said after praying as tears rolled down my face, Tanjiro looked at me, I took his hand and started walking.

"Ano sumimase, I see you have a basket and some bamboo and a few straws there , may I have them?" I asked a farmer while pointing towards the basket's direction "Sure but .... the basket has holes in them." "No problem, I will pay you for it." "No need to pay for the worn out basket." "No, I am paying." "Please, just take it. The straws and the bamboo too." 'Nope! I'm paying for it or I ain't going' "NO I'M PAYING FOR IT!"

"WHAT A STUBBORN KID YOU ARE! PLEASE JUST TAKE IT FOR FREE!" "HERE TAKE IT! IT'S ONLY A FEW COINS BUT IT SHOULD BE ENOUGH!" I basically slapped the money in his hands. "Ouch ouch ouch" he said in pain "THANK YOU AND GOODBYE!"

I walked to a cave, "Tanjiro!" I called out for him, Tanjro walked out of the darker side, "Hmm now I think about it how will you fit in here" I tried to think of an idea, "Aha! Tanjiro you know how you grew bigger earlier? Can you become smaller?" I asked, Tanjiro nodded as he tried and wala! He shrunk, "Okay Tanjiro behave!"

I asked alot of people about the Misty mountains, A lady was kind enough to show me the way "to reach the the Misty mountain you must pass through these hills, the sun has already set, you sure you want to travel now with such big luggages? I have heard rumours about people going missing" the lady said worried " Don't worry about me! And thank you for showing me the way "okay be carefull" I started to walk away 'be carefull huh? Those were the last words I heard from my family...' I let tanjiro outas it was nighg .

As I mounted at the top of the mountain, there I saw a temple with lights on, I saw bloods on the door I rushed and opened the doors to see a light familiar scene, death, an oni was eating them "oi! This my territory" the Oni spoke to me "Huh? You're a human" in less than a second I was on the ground outside the temple and the Oni on top of me, my mind went black, I was about to die.


The Oni was of me, I turned my head to see Tanjiro headbutting the Oni, I took the chance and grabbed my axe and cut his head off 'I KILLED A MAN!' I couldn't belive I killed someone even tho it was an Oni, the oni's body was about to move but tanjiro threw it towards its head 'how is the body moving?' I thought "BASTARD! I THOUGHT YOU WERE A ONI, AND ONI TRAVELLING WITH A HUMAN? THAT'S STRANGE" it's body attacked Tanjiro and head came towards me, it bit onto my axe and it had hands, before it could do anything I struk the axe towards a tree and it stuck there, trapping the Oni, I ran to find the body of the Oni and tanjiro "Tanjiro?" I found him, they were fighting near cliff, it was beating Tanjiro,I ran and kicked the body off the cliff "DON'T MESS WITH MY OTOTOU!" I said while kicking him.

We were back were the head was, I went to thr temple to find if any sharp object was there, I found a knife, we went towards the head 'I need to finish it' I thought, my body was trembling then suddenly someone put a hand on my shoulder, I turned around scared.

"You can't kill it with such a dull blade"

It was an old man wearing a tengu mask "so what can I kill it with?" I asked, "can't you figure it out yourself?" I looked around and saw few big rocks. I picked one up and I was hesitant to do it for somee reason. The sunlight reached us 'I wasted too much time' The Oni burned. 'Oh right that man!' I saw him giving those people a proper burial. He stood up and and faced me "I am Urokodaki Sakoronji, I assume you are the young lady Giyuu spoke off" he said 'he knows Tomioka-san!' "Uh, yes? My name is Kamado Nezuko, and... my brother's name is Kamdo Tanjiro and-" "Nezuko what will do if your brother eats a demon" he cut me off "..." 'I have no idea' he slapped me " you are too hesitant, too slow. You couldn't even kill that oni before sunrise. Why didn't you answere my question without delay?" "..." "Because you lack determination" "I-" I don't know what to say, this man, Urokodaki-san is maybe right "If your brother eats someone  you need to to do thing" 'two things?' I thought "kill him and then kill yourself, this what it means to travel with you demon brother."
"..." "You must not let your brother hurt or eat any human, do you understand?" He asked "Yes! Yes I do" I answered "very well then, I must test you to see you are worthy of being a demon slayer or not, go get your brother" he said, I did as he told "try to keep up" he told me as he began running.

We have been running for awhile, I was far behind, struggling to run, then he stopped infront of a hut which I assume was his house "did I pass the test" I asked "the test will start from tomorrow"

~•~Chapter two:END~•~

Lol I am in love with time skip no jutsu, anyways ..... bye!

Edit: sorry for the chapter being short and I would also like to apologise for taking over a month to publish this chapter, I will try to make the next chapter long and publish ASAP. Thank you for reading.

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