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My brain was pounding miserably against my skull. I remembered the previous night only in confusing, blurry flashes, and I was pretty sure some of it was just part of some screwed up dream. I could've sworn I remembered Jungkook being in my apartment with Jimin and I, but that didn't make any sense. I dismissed it as my own insanity. Even my subconscious seemed to be flooded with thoughts of him.

I was definitely paying the price for drowning my sorrows in soju. I hadn't experienced a hangover this bad since my years in college. My only saving grace was the fact that it was Sunday, so I didn't have to head into the office for work. I intended to spend the entire day in bed watching dramas and eating my feelings.

Thinking about the conversation I'd had with Jungkook at the café yesterday only served to further infuriate me. Half of me was discouraged, wishing to simply give up, but the other half of me was still hopeful, certain that I would get through to him. Regardless, I didn't have the mental capacity to worry about it anymore this weekend. This was going to be a lovely, Jungkook-free Sunday.

The sudden loud ringing from my cell phone sent painful shocks through my head, as I reached over to my bedside table to stop the noise. I promised to myself to kill whoever had found it necessary to call me so early in the morning. "Hello?" I grumbled.

"Ah, there's that beautiful voice I've missed," the male I immediately recognized as Kim Taehyung cooed.

"Why are you calling me first thing in the morning?" I hadn't spoken with him since our plan to fool our families went up in flames over a year ago, so it was strange for him to call. Not that I was upset with him for what'd occurred, I just hadn't had the time to keep in touch. Plus, why would we? We weren't friends. Acquaintances at best.

"Darling, it is two in the afternoon." He let out a low and deep laugh. "Rough night?"

I pulled my phone from my ear and glanced at the time. 2:36 PM. "Yeah, I guess so."

"Well, I'll make this quick- meet me for dinner this evening. I'd like to speak with you about a certain matter." He added, "It's for business, so don't worry your pretty little head."

My dreams of staying inside all day like a lazy gremlin were falling to pieces before my eyes. But business was business. You don't get days off when you're in charge of the whole damn operation. "Fine."

"Great. I'll text you the details."

I forced my aching body out of my bed and took a long hard look at myself in the mirror. Not my best look. Dark bags hung under my red and irritated eyes, my skin was lifeless and dull, and my hair was a matted, tangled disaster. I had about three hours to make myself presentable. Beyond presentable, considering the location of our dinner would no doubt be somewhere lavish and upscale. This was Taehyung we were talking about, after all.

Hair now washed, curled, and hanging loose down my back, I made my way up the steps to join Taehyung inside the restaurant. I'd thrown on more makeup than normal to hide the effects of last night's...adventures. Dressed in a simple tea-length, emerald cocktail dress, I may not have felt any better, but I at least looked better.

Taehyung was already waiting at a table inside, looking just the same as I remembered him. Tonight, his suit was simple, classic, but perfectly fitted. His hair was shorter than before, the dark locks styled back away from his face. Small changes, but he held the same intimidating aura as always. I took my place in the seat across from him and offered my greetings.

He was polite enough to respond in kind but wasted no time starting talks of business. "I want to provide the fabrics for your upcoming showcase in Paris," he smiled, taking a sip of his wine.

"And why should I choose you?" I focused in on him, trying to read his expression. "We already have a manufacturer in mind that we partner with quite frequently."

"We will sponsor a large portion of the fabric for the show. We can discuss exact numbers, later," he explained. "In exchange we want to be involved with the creation process and all of the promotions."

I rubbed my finger across my bottom lip, considering his offer, though suspicious of the sudden proposition. "What has you so interested in Park Group? We've never worked together before."

"We got wind that Jungkook is going to begin working on a new collection after the even in Paris, and we want an in with him. We're hoping to be considered for an exclusive partnership," he smirked. "You know how it is- he's the next big thing. Anyone with their name attached to him reaps the benefits."

To maintain my dignity, I didn't roll my eyes quite as far back into my head as I wanted to. Of course, it was about Jungkook. Everything was about Jungkook. I couldn't escape that bastard. Our designers had the freedom to make almost all artistic decisions on their own, including where they sourced their fabric from. There was nothing wrong with Taehyung's motives. It was a smart business play- one I would have made myself as well. But it still annoyed me.

"They've already started working on their pieces," I noted. "Luckily, they are still in the very early stages, so they haven't selected specific fabrics. Bring by your samples tomorrow. If you can accommodate their needs and the deal is beneficial then we can proceed with legal."

"Thanks, Y/N," he winked. "I hope it's not too awkward having two of your ex-boyfriends in the same room." He was visibly holding in his laughter, clearly amused with himself.

"I'll kill you, Taehyung."

"Let's at least have dinner first."

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now