♡ 39

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The next few months flew by like a storm, and before I could even blink the showcase was right around the corner. During that time, I'd been so busy with work that I hadn't had any time to think about anything, or anyone, else. Every day was a new meeting; every week a flight to a new city to check in with the designers working outside of Korea. My body was pulsating with aching pains, my mind muddled from jetlag and information overload. Being the boss wasn't always all it was cracked up to be. That was for sure.

The worst part of my hectic schedule was that Jungkook and I were only able to see each other on rare occasions at the studio. I hated to admit it to myself, but I missed him. A lot. We chatted on the phone and kept in touch, but he was overrun with work as well. There was also the matter of needing to decide what our future would look like from here on out... Jungkook had kept his word and was giving me the time and space that I needed. We hadn't touched on the subject at all.

I knew it would be selfish to get too attached before I could give him an official answer on what I wanted. For that reason, I was doing my best to keep my distance physically and romantically. Even so, my head kept flooding with thoughts of our last kiss. I was craving him like an addict with no way to scratch the itch. The thoughts plagued my mind at the worst times- in the middle of meetings, trapped on flights, even as I tried to shut off my brain at night. It was ridiculous.

It only took one little invitation to his apartment to break my willpower to stay away. Still, I was committed to behaving myself. It would've been rude to turn him down, right? It was just dinner. A private dinner. Alone. In his apartment. Completely harmless. Easy. I could do this.

I dressed up nicely for the fun of it...not for any other particular reason. Promise. A plaid high-waisted skirt paired with an off-shoulder cream sweater and suede ankle booties. My hair cascaded in long waves down my back, tied half up with a velvet ribbon. Serving up sweetness with a dash of spice. For no particular reason, of course...

I rapped my knuckles against the door, a bit too eagerly. Jungkook opened the door quickly and met me with a shining, wide smile. It'd been so long since I'd last met with him, just the sight of him stole my breath away. His hair was soft and fluffy, laying natural and flat across his forehead. A large grey hoodie draped loosely over his body, coupled with a pair of ripped denim jeans. Even in something so casual, he was beyond handsome.

"I've missed you," he cooed, urging me inside. My heart melted into a puddle, and I had to bite my lip to hold in a cheesy grin.

I tried to form a proper sentence, though I was internally screaming from his adorableness. "I've missed you a lot, too."

This apartment was the temporary housing the company had provided Jungkook with for the six months he would be working in Korea. It was simple, but he still managed to make it his own. He'd made the effort to put up various paintings and photographs despite his short stay. The dining table had been transformed into a small workspace, cluttered with fabrics and notes. I looked over the scene fondly, remembering the time I'd visited him during his first showcase. His dining room had been in the same state of disarray.

"You haven't changed a bit," I giggled.

He followed the direction of my stare to the chaos and scratched his head. "Yeah, I've been working like crazy trying to meet the deadline."

"Are you sure you have time for me to bother you?" I questioned, tilting my head.

He hurriedly took my hands in his, as if trying to keep me from running away. "Yes, I have time. I'll make time."

"Okay, then." I wasn't about to fight him on it. Perhaps irresponsible of me, but in the current moment I didn't care about the state of the project. I only cared about being here with him.

"Wine?" He held up a bottle in question.

"Hmm...last time I had wine I got a bit out of my mind." That was an understatement.

"I rather enjoyed that side of you," he smirked. "If you drove yourself, you're welcome to stay here. I have plenty of space. The company went a little overboard with this place- I expected I'd be in a hotel room."

Did he just invite me to stay the night? I kept my shock hidden well and brushed off his comment. "I'll indulge a bit."

He poured us both a glass and led me over to the couch, turning on the stereo on the way over. "I hope it's okay, I kind of just wanted to talk with you..." An almost unnoticeable blush crept up to his cheeks.

"We don't have to do anything, I'm perfectly content just sitting here with you," I smiled.

"Are you excited?" He took a sip from his wine. "For the showcase?"

"I'm nervous," I sighed. "There's a lot of pressure on me for this to be a success. It's my first major project since I've become the chairwoman."

"Well, I hope I won't disappoint," he chuckled.

"You won't. That I am not worried about."

"And after?"

After. Honestly, I didn't want to think about after. This showcase was what had reunited Jungkook and I and allowed us to rekindle what once existed between us. 'After' meant there was nothing left binding us to the same place. That thought was so utterly depressing, so terrifying, my whole chest tightened, and my hands began to shake. I struggled to maintain his gaze, glancing down at my lap with wildly blinking eyes.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook murmured, voice laced with worry. He reached out to grab my trembling hands.

The warmth of his touch helped to soothe my unsteady heart, but I couldn't shake that terrible feeling. "Jungkook..."


"Will you stay?"

He opened and closed his mouth, at a loss for words. "Are you asking me to stay in Korea?"

"More than that," I looked back up at him. "Stay with me."

I was sure. I was sure of what I wanted.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now