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The constant blaring of my alarm woke me from my slumber. The first pleasant and deep sleep that I'd had in quite some time. Knowing the feeling of love was mutual between Jungkook and I was euphoric, but I still had my hesitations about taking the next step. Fear was powerful emotion, and I was terrified of opening myself up again to the possibility of pain.

We'd ended the night in each other's arms but with no real resolution of what the future looked like for us. Perhaps, that was my fault. It was with much coaxing that I let Jungkook in the first time. I was certain he knew that it would be no easy feat to regain my trust. It wasn't even really that I didn't trust him, but maybe I didn't trust myself...

I was in the process of healing- it would just take time. Every day I struggled, grasping at the next rock to climb the mountain before me. As much as I wanted to be with Jungkook, I needed to reach the top of that hurdle. To recognize and accept who the real me was and to be comfortable showing that to the world. For me, and no one else. I didn't want someone to love me more than I loved myself.

Today we were set to visit the venue for the global showcase and then we were free to explore the city. I'd been to Paris a few times for work, and I was sure that Jungkook and Taehyung had been as well, but I knew it was Hoseok's first time, so I was prepared to run around as a tourist. I'd never visited with friends before. That alone was a new experience, and one that I looked forward to.

"We've arrived!" Hoseok spoke excitedly, stopping in front of a large building with glass walls.

Inside the space was modern and sleek- a blank slate for creativity. White walls, marble floors, and a simple raised runway. I didn't want a prestigious, historically rich venue with its own story. I wanted somewhere our designers could transform. Somewhere where their works could create the atmosphere, free of external influence. Each designer had a completely different vibe, so this was the best place for them to show their unique vision. They were the artists. They would tell their stories.

"This place can hold 500, so we will need to keep the guest list relatively exclusive," Hoseok explained. "We are equipped, of course, to live stream the event."

"It looks great," Taehyung added, walking along the side of the platform. "Great job selecting this place."

"I know it's weird." I was self-conscious that people would find the plainness boring.

"You wanted the focus to be on our designs, right?" Jungkook rested a hand on the small of my back. "I think it's' perfect."

Taehyung cocked his head to the side, noticing the interaction, but surprisingly didn't make a comment about it. "Yes, I find the whole museum as a venue thing rather overdone."

"We have a few details to iron out but after that we have free time." Hoseok scrolled through his tablet. "Shall I book us some excursions?"

"Why don't we just see where our feet take us?" I giggled. He was always so detailed.

"With no plan?" His face scrunched in confusion.

"Yes!" I insisted. "Let's just explore with no expectations."

Hoseok pouted a bit, uncomfortable with the idea, but eventually agreed. "Fine."

Meeting with the venue team seemed to drone on and on but it was a necessary part of doing business. The trip was one of business, after all, but I couldn't help but be distracted by my excitement. I'd always traveled alone or with staff. But this time, I was with friends. Friends. When was the last time I let people close enough to me to consider them my friends?

Not a moment too soon, Hoseok and I wrapped up our meetings and rejoined the other two men outside the building. "I'm sorry if you waited long," I waved to them. "Let's go!"

Hoseok and Taehyung took the helm, deciding our path. Not the most expected pair, but they were doing a fairly good job. Arguing was kept to a surprising minimum. Hoseok accepted his fate that there was no swaying Taehyung to do something he didn't want to do, and Taehyung accepted that Hoseok was highly opposed to exploring chaotically with no direction. They eventually settled on a general area and began to lead our group there.

Jungkook and I walked behind the two of them, engaged in our own conversation. "What will you do after the showcase?" I questioned, though, I wasn't sure I was prepared to hear his answer.

"Hmm," Jungkook pondered. "I'm not sure. Living in Japan has been nice, but I'd be lying if I said being back in Korea didn't have me feeling nostalgic. I miss home."

"I suppose you have the freedom to work from anywhere since your brand has grown to such a global level." I held back the smile that selfishly appeared from hearing his response.

"I never imagined that all of this could happen."

"I did," I turned my head in his direction. "I knew you would achieve your dreams."

"Do you wish you met me now instead of then?" he asked quietly. "Things might have turned out differently."

"No," I shook my head. "I'm glad I met you when I did. I was closed off because I thought that was how I had to be due to my station and position...but you taught me how foolish that idea was."

I was an insufferable, bitter woman when Jungkook met me. Or at least, I was pretending to be. He slowly chipped away at my armor, revealing how I truly felt inside. He saw parts of me that I didn't even see in myself. I would never wish I'd met him later. Everything he taught me was a valuable lesson I kept with me every day. I loved him as he was then, and I loved him as he was now. Money, fame, power- all of that was irrelevant.

"You've grown a lot," he smiled, and took my hand in his, intertwining our fingers. "Just know you don't have to be perfect."

"You're perfect though," I laughed.

"Far from it," he flashed me bright smile. "Some people notice the flaws within themselves easier than the flaws of others- but everyone has them."

"I guess so."

He gave my hand a squeeze. "I'm in no hurry for us to change things, so take all the time you need. You can't begin to understand how happy I am just to hear you tell me you love me."

I turned my head away, blushing at his words.

Secretary Jeon [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now