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All Gray could do is laugh, "Of all names for the club to be called. I'll be there soon."

He finished the call with Simon and walked back into the room where he left his mom. "I've got to go," he stated, leaning over to kiss his mom on the cheek.

"Mhmm, to bail her out, I bet," his mom shot back.

Gray shook his head as he headed to the door, slipping his shoes back on his feet. "I love you, mom," Gray shouted out closing the door right behind him and heading to his car.

It wasn't long when Gray pulled up to the front of the club, seeing the large neon sign displaying the words, Club Drama. Again he shook his head seeing those words.

He parked his vehicle to the side and locked it up as he got out and approached the front entrance to see a bouncer standing there. Gray cleared his throat to get the guy's attention.

The 6'5 guy tilted his head down to see who was asking for his attention.

"I'm here for Leigh."

That's all it took for the bouncer's eyes to grow big and back up to allow Gray to bypass all the people that have been waiting for God knew how long to get inside the club.

Gray strolled inside smelling the strong reek of cigarettes and the vibration of the music playing through the speakers. His eyes scanned the scene until his eyes landed on whom he was looking for.

In the center of it all was Leigh. She was being held back by another bouncer and a couple of her so-called friends, Hyun-jung (Hoody) and Kendra. Gray strolled over grabbing Hyun-Jung's arm and twisting her around for Gray to look at him. "What happened?"

Hyun-jung kissed her teeth as she yanked her arm out from Gray. "I don't know, she just snapped and the next thing I know she was on top of some chick with the girl's wrist being twisted until you could hear a popping sound."

Gray stepped away and headed over to where the bouncer and Leigh were standing. He noticed that the bouncer was restraining Leigh and the other female was holding her wrist rubbing the sore area.

The bouncer glanced up seeing Gray and motioning his head for him to follow him to the back of the club. Gray abided and talked about his leave away from Kendra and Hyun-jung.

They were now in the back in a separate room, with Leigh facing away from the two men. As soon as the door was closed, the first thing that came out of Gray's mouth was, "what happened?"

However, the bouncer wasn't the one to answer that question, "that bitch came at me," Leigh spat.

"Leigh, calm down for once," Gray said with an irritated tone in his voice.

"Calm down?!" Leigh sneered, rolling her eyes and huffing out loud.

Gray turned back to the bouncer in which the bouncer explained what happened. Gray raked his fingers through his dark hair, feeling his blood pressure rise with every word that the bouncer was saying.

Right after, Gray thanked the bouncer who escorted the duo out of the club. They get into the car and Gray doesn't say anything to Leigh and with her not say anything back in return.

The prolonged silence was all that was needed for Gray to think about everything and know what he needed to do once they arrived back at his place.

As always, Leigh opened and slammed the door storming up to the place but this time, Gray was right behind her rushing up to speak to her about her attitude.

Gray reached out his hand grabbing Leigh's arm for her to look at him. "Leigh, we need to talk, now!"

She was forced to halt in her tracks due to Gray keeping a tight grip on her arm. She moved her eyes down and sees his hand on her arm. "Let go of me," she hissed. But Gray didn't, he was not going to let this go.

"Leigh, you need to stop this, your attitude is getting out of hand."

Leigh tried to yank her arm away again but Gray kept a good grip on her arm.

She then tried to knee him hard in his lower region area which caused Gray to stumble, bringing both of them down on the cold marble floor.

Gray was on the floor breaking their fall with Leigh on top, pressing down on Gray's chest. Their eyes met for a quick second, the only sound of their hearts beating against each other chest.

Leigh leaned down allowing their lips to meet and Gray returned the unexpected kiss. But as quickly as the kiss started, it was halted in a flash.

Leigh bit down on Gray's bottom lip which caused Gray to let go of the grip on Leigh's arm and his attention was now on the lip, tasting the metallic liquid that flowed down his throat.

She hopped up and moves off of Gray, wiping her lips. "Next time I say let go, I mean it," after that, she got up and rushed up the stairs and all Gray heard is the sound of her room door slamming.

Gray rolled over to his side and pulls out his phone, holding his mouth feeling it start to become numb.

He slid the phone unlock and quickly went into his contacts. He tapped quickly to begin the call, placing the phone close to his ear.

Once he knew for sure that someone was on the other end. He sighed before letting out what needed to be at this very moment.

"I'm done."


I'm staying quiet in this one

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