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Hastily, Sunghwa dropped to his knees as he switched from one sister to the other praying that to the whole hold, help was on the way.

In the distance, a faint sound from the siren of the ambulance rushed to get to the scene as quickly as possible.

A hopeful sigh of relief came upon Gray, he prayed that they would make it here soon.

He didn't want to lose either sister.

The sisters stared at each other, tears streaming down their faces as blood trickled down combining along with it.

The pain that they were enduring was excruciating. The twin sisters needed help desperately.

Leigh glanced over at her twin sister Lia as she pressed on her stomach.

A sense of already knowing the conclusion was felt by Lia and then by Leigh.

Leigh knew without a doubt what was happening to Lia without anyone else acknowledging the outcome.

Their twin institutions were felt between them as more tears continued to fall.

"Hang in there, Lia," Leigh pleaded to her sister. "Please, hold on. You have so much to live for. I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry. "

She may have been upset with Lia because of Sunghwa but she would never wish for her to lose her unborn child.

This is not what she wanted.

Leigh opened her eyes again and Lia as well. A slight smile was all that came from Lia before slipping out and the hand that was tightly held by Sunghwa went limp.

Leigh cried out, she wanted to be close to her sister.

However, she couldn't. It was as if she was paralyzed.

During all of this Sunghwa shouted out, shaking Lia gently hoping that she'll come to but nothing.

A moment before Lia lost consciousness, Sunghwa noticed the interaction between the twin sisters.

He knew something was going on, it sure didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was happening.

Leigh and Lia were forgiving each other more so Leigh was applied to Lia.

Soon the sirens in the distance grew closer until they were right upon them.

EMT personnel rushed out, clearing the scene to aid in rescuing the twins.

"Please, helped them!" Sunghwa cried out, glancing over to the EMTs as they retrieve the medical equipment out from the van, one checking on each twin to see how stable they were.

Once all equipment was brought out, Sunghwa was forced to step away as he watched, praying that Lia, their baby, and Leigh survive.

Soon, Leigh and Lia were stable enough to be transported to the nearest hospital.

Sunghwa with them as he climbed into the same van with Lia.

She was the worst out of the sisters who received most of the impact as kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

But before she slipped back out again, Lia started to mumble causing Sunghwa to bend down to figure out what she was saying.

Sunghwa did and she carefully whispered words into his ear.

His eyes widened, shaking his head frantically as he couldn't, wouldn't do what she asked.

However, Lia didn't say anything more before she slipped right back out.

He couldn't believe it as he ran his fingers who were coated with a mixture of the twin's blood through his hair.

How can she allow him to make that choice?

Soon, they all arrived at the hospital, the EMTs rolling them out and rushing them inside, explaining to the medical team that was waiting for them.

The situation was explained in depth before the doctors and nurses took over.

The OR was already prepared for Lia and Leigh beforehand, no time was wasted trying everything to save them.

Sunghwa watched on, unable to go any further than the waiting room.

He was even asked if he wished to clean up.

He declined. He wanted to be here to find out what was to happen to the sisters.

Soon after, he was joined along with Simon, Jay, and the members of AOMG.

They all heard what happened and wanted to support Sunghwa.

Hours went on, and they all waited until one of the doctors handling the twins came out from the OR.

He glanced around until he noticed Sunghwa who hunched over, rubbing his still bloody hands together.

He approached him, his shadow on top of Sunghwa as he slowly glanced up, wondering who it was that was blocking his view.

When Sunghwa recognized the doctor, he jumped up. "Are they okay?! How's the surgery going on?!"

Sunghwa babbled more questions until Simon cut him. "Let the doctor talk, Sunghwa," he said, not wanting to overstep the hurt that was running through Sunghwa.

Sunghwa nodded, awaiting whatever the doctor needed to tell him, hopefully, it was good but with the look on his face, Sunghwa knew it wasn't.

"Mr. Kwon, I'm sorry but we couldn't save the baby, " the doctor stated. "They were already gone before the EMT arrived on the scene."

Sunghwa dropped to his knees as Simon tried to help his friend but Sunghwa shrugged him away.

This can't be, he thought. No, this can't be.

No words couldn't express how he felt right now as he bellowed.

But he needed to know about Lia and Leigh. "W-what about the sisters?" He sniffed while clearing his throat.

The doctor glared at his chart, examining the information in front of them before answering Sunghwa's question. "As we speak, they're finishing up with the twins' surgery each sustaining massive amount of injuries interiority. We were able to stop the internal bleeding due to the diligence of them getting here as quickly as they did. All we can do is wait, and hope for the best."

Sunghwa nodded. He hoped that Lia and Leigh would be fine to make it through this together.

After the briefing, the doctors returned to the OR, resuming the surgery with the rest of the team.

Sunghwa resumed waiting once again, but this time since he now heard the news about the sisters, he decided to go to the restroom to wash his hands and face.

He washed his hands, seeing the dry blood swirl down the drain before washing his face.

Then, Sunghwa leaned forward, glaring at himself in the mirror.

He sighed deeply before splashing more water on his face.

As he hoped for a positive sense of relief about the sisters' operation, things suddenly took a turn when Simon barged into the restroom, his face worrisome as he was about to tell Sunghwa that he was about to make the hardest choice he ever would have to make.


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