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Gray dialed the number and wanted patiently until a voice on the other end answered.

"It's time," he said, not giving any more thought that he was through with Leigh's nonsense.

Gray assumed that he could handle it on his own that he could manage the situation without the help of others but deep down he couldn't, Leigh was far too gone.

He was seeking help but she felt like she could manage her problems on her own.

Drinking, partying, and causing massive trouble was her way of escaping the past but no matter what, the past was bound to catch up.

She was now trapped in a corner with no way of escaping.

All her trusted friends had left her, and the only person who cared was Gray.

Someone who she least expected to be on her side after what occurred between them.

How could he still be there even after knowing the truth?

Knowing that everything that happened - the tragic day was her fault.

Why hasn't he ever blamed her for it, Leigh thought as she rocked herself in a ball, remembering the night.

She blamed herself even though reports and evidence confirmed that it wasn't, but to her, it was her fault no matter what.

Gray forgave her but the reoccurrence of the dreams, nightmares that felt real kept reappearing over and over again in her mind.

The medication was supposed to subside but it wasn't happening.

It was making matters worse.

It was making the hallucinations more powerful, feeling real that it was like they were standing in the room with her.

Taunting her, blaming Leigh for everything.

All she wanted was it to end, make it go away, maybe she should have been the one that should have died and not them.

Why did it have to be them, she thought.

She was a reckless one, disobeying actions and having no care about who got in her way.

"Your actions will be your downfall," Leigh remembered hearing as a warning but she shook it off.

She didn't care about the effect of her actions and cause until it was too late.

Too late, to avoid the consequences and losing those she loved the most.

The pills she noticed, staring straight at her on her dresser.

The pills were her escape from reality but they made her zone out, and lose focus of what was right or wrong.

That night when Gray came into her bedroom and yelled at her for wearing his clothes.

She had just taken two of them and soon the pills were affecting her subconscious.

Leigh was no longer in control.

She wanted to plead out for Gray, make him understand that this wasn't her who he knew all his life.

She wanted to scream and express every deep emotion that was suppressed but she couldn't.

Now to her after tonight, a part of Leigh truly felt that this was the final straw.

Gray has had enough of her exploding nature.

He couldn't take it anymore.

Leigh fell back curling her body into a small ball as she induced her rocking, feeling tears stream down her face.


The next morning Leigh woke up, forgetting about last night and feeling like a new start to the many new starts she has had before.

She opens her door and skipped down the hall, then downstairs to the kitchen.

Once she arrived, Gray was there, sipping on coffee with a bruised on his cheek.

The bruised that Leigh gave him last night.

In her mind, it was like yesterday didn't happen.

She glanced at him for a split second and proceeded to get the cereal and milk out of the fridge.

However, there wasn't any milk that started to tick Leigh off.

Her explosive ways were returning.

"You forgot the milk again, " she yelled while slamming the fridge door.

But Gray didn't say anything but sip his coffee.

Leigh's actions weren't going to get to him, no today not anymore.

"Did you hear me, Gray, you forgot to buy the milk!" Her voice increased as she approached Gray.

But, still, Gray ignored her, sipping away his coffee.

This was making Leigh even more upset that Gray was continuing to ignore her.

Before Leigh was ready to abrupt on Gray, his phone dinged, and soon his doorbell rang right after.

He placed the mug down and picked up the phone as he made his way to the front as keyed away on his phone.

Yet, no more than he heading to the door, Leigh was on his heels wondering what was going on.

As he placed his phone in his pocket, Gray opened the front door seeing a woman who he recognized with two huffy-looking men with her.

They talked for a moment before Gray allowed them access to enter his home, heading straight towards Leigh.

She stepped back and started towards the men coming towards her as she fought.

"What are you doing!?"

She pushed them off her as they tried to grip her. "Let me go?! Gray what are you doing?! You promise, Gray, you promise you wouldn't allow them to take me away!"

Leigh's screams went unheard as Gray ignored her and stepped back to allow the men to take Leigh away.

He could still hear her scream, pleading for mercy as she cursed Gray for doing this to her.

"I trusted you, Gray. You promise," she kept on saying over and over.

The woman who came along placed a comforting hand on Gray's shoulder. "You know you're doing the right thing. She's going to be in good hands, okay."

All Gray could do is agree with a nod.

He was doing the right thing. Both of them needed help, he was seeking it and Leigh needed it as well.

Sadly, for her, Leigh had to be forced.

Gray thanked the woman as he walked out towards the vehicle along with the woman. Leigh was still cussing and fighting the men until she noticed Gray.

Her eyes had deceit and hatred for the person she trusted the most. "So the betrayer comes out to see his handy work, huh?"

Gray rubbed his neck as he shook his head. "I've never betrayed you, Leigh, I was always there for you through the ups and downs but I can't deal with your actions anymore. It's time for you to seek help, and resolve what's eating you alive before it kills you. Lia wouldn't want this from you."

The silence grew between the two of them as the forbidden name was spoken.

Lia wouldn't want this, Leigh bit the inside of her mouth.

Lia wouldn't want her sister to dwell on the fact that the accident wasn't her sister's fault.

Lia wouldn't want Leigh to be blamed for killing Gray and Lia's unborn child.

But to Leigh, the accident was her fault, Leigh thought as she opened her eyes and saw the pain broadcasting all over Gray.

"Do me a favor Lee Sunghwa, wherever I go, don't see me."

After that, the ignition started the engine before the car was placed in drive, pulling out from the driveway and taking Leigh away.


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