Chapter 8

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Thank gosh he wasn't there.

I might actually be able to go somewhere with Ash...

Just then, Lukas walked in from my room, I assume that's because he cut in through my window.

"Dang! You can ran really darn fast!" He complimented.

"It's easy when your running from something like you." I joked.

"Did you just refer to me as a thing? As in an inanimate object?"

"You bet 'ya." I said, winking.

"You can still come to the pool, as long as you keep your distance from me. Let's say 20 feet?"

"Seriously. Oh, sorry, thanks for your permission to attend the public pool. Oh, and I appreciate the distance restrictions on where I can stand. I mean I get the fact that I'm too cool for you, but I don't think it would hurt my modest ego to stand within 30 feet of you." I said.

"Nah. You definitely need permission." He joked.

I rolled my eyes.

"I might go... But only to hang out with Ash. We could probably go to a different pool, but the only other close one is under construction." I defended.

"Yeah... Totally..." Lukas said sceptically.

"What?! That's why we're going." I snapped.

"Right..." He said, stretching the 'i' longer than necessary.

"Ugh! That's why we're going!" I said.


"You're so infuriating! We are going just because we have nothing better to do." I half-yelled.

"Yeah. I know. I've been agreeing with you this whole time, why are you repeating yourself?" He asked, a smirk starting to form.

"Ugh! You were being sarcastic!" I growled.

"How do you know my intentions? I was dead serious." He said. He barely made it through this statement before erupted with laughter.

"Yeah, okay. I hate you." I stated, walking towards the couch and plopping down.

"Mmhm... Of course you do..." He said sarcastically.

"I swear, you're doing this just to annoy the crap out of me." I sighed.

"Yep! It's actually pretty fun." He smiled, walking over to the couch as well.

I quickly stretched out so I was taking up the whole couch.

Lukas acted unaffected, just sitting on the floor by the couch.

"You'll get up eventually." He smiled.

"As will you." I said, back.

I turned on the TV, only because my kindle was in my room.

I so wanted to read, but I couldn't lose this spot.

I just settled for a boring old documentary on kangaroos.

"What is wrong with you?! A documentary?! On kangaroos?!" He whined.

"What, are you going to leave?" I asked sweetly.

"I would, but this seems to be unspoken contest we have going on here." He laughed.

"It appears so." I challenged.

"Very well then. Let this challenge commence-"

"Commence, really? You know what? Just no... We are in a different century." I told him.

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