Chapter 20

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I leaned over and kissed Lukas.

Surprised at first, he grew stiff, but then he realized what was happening and he kissed me back.

Before I knew it, we were making out, full blown.

If only I had realized my feelings sooner...

... I bet some of you are wondering what just happened.

You just been PSYCHED!!

*** okay. I know you hate me, but here's the real chapter***


"Ash?" I assumed, answering the phone.

"Nope, it's Aiden." Someone on the other end of the line said.

"Oh. Hi, wazzup?" I asked.

"Uh... Well, my brother and most of the rest of the gang is in jail. One more person missing, but they have a search out." He started. "But that's not what I called to tell you."

"So why are you-"

"Zip it! I'm getting there." He hissed. "I am moving out of my parent's place this weekend. I'm getting a new roommate. Their name- well, what she insists I call her is Sam."

"She?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's why it's so great. The best part is, she's hot." He said.

"What's her real name? I may know here from school." I told him.

"Sandy. She was actually at IHOP this morning, too-"

"Ooh! I met her this morning!" I squealed.

"Good for you." He said.

"Athena!" My brother called from the kitchen. "I'm logging to mum and dads! I'll see you in two days. Don't do anything stupid!" He called.

"Oh!" I shouted back, covering the phone so Aiden wouldn't hear me yell. "Hold on! I want to come say bye!" I told him. I uncovered my phone and redirected my attention to Aiden. "I gotta go. My brother is leaving."

"Oh, that's cool. Bye."

"Bye." I said, hanging up the phone.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen.

"I'll say hi to mum and dad for you. And I'll bring you back a souvenir." James said, kissing my cheek.

"You know me too well." I smiled.

"Well enough to know that you are going to invite Ash over to practically live here the next few days to make sure 'your enemy,' Lukas doesn't 'make' you kiss him or anything." He joked.

"He can't make me. I have pepper spray." I laughed. "But, really, can Ash come over?"

"You would invite her anyway, wouldn't you?"

"Absolutely." I laughed.

He smiled at me before kissing the top of my head.

"See you Monday." He said, starting towards the door.

"Monday." I repeated with a nod. "Bye. Love you." I said, waving to him.

"You too, bye!" He said, heading out of the apartment room.

I sat in silence for a moment as a stared at the closed door, still smiling slightly.

"So you guys are really close?" Lukas asked, walking in with his hands in his pockets.

"Well, he's the only close family member I've seen in a year. And he's, you know my brother. I mean I guess we're close." I rambled.

"I was, too. With my brother." He smiled a little. "That's why I let him take the money to go to England." He sighed. He had a curtain homely comfort that kinda made me want to hug him.

I smiled. "What are we doing for dinner?" I asked him.

"Leftovers?" He suggested. "By the way, I'm going to an annual back to school party, if you wanna come." He offered.

"No. I don't do parties." I said.

"C'mon! You've gotta come. You really do, to be a good friend to me. Make sure nothing happens me."

"Awe, we wouldn't want that, would we." I said sarcastically. "Ash Ash."

"B-but she scares me." He said with puppy dog eyes.








"I said nothing."

I rolled my eyes and headed for my room.

"I'm going to take a nap." I told him.

"You sleep to much." He said.

"You're like a child. Watching over you is hard work. It wears me out."

"Good to know." He laughed.

"Go die." I hissed, walking into my room.

I slammed my door and jumped on my bed.

I would love to know why I have been so tired lately, but I needed a nap.

I would probably have to stay up really late to make sure that Lukas came home.

Before I knew it, I was unable to keep my eyes open any longer.


I woke up with a stiff feeling in my neck.

I opened my eyes and looked around. A car. I was in the passenger's seat of a car.

Lukas sat in the seat next to me, smirking.

"What the heck?!" I explained.

"Hi. You finally woke up."

"Where are we?!" I demanded, looking out the window. It was dark and we were in a field with a small house next to us. It was surrounded in other cars and little light was coming from the windows. I could hear steady thumps that sounded like they were either a giant's heartbeat or music from inside. "Oh no. Let me guess you to me to the party, didn't you?" I asked him.

"Uhh... Are you mad?"

"Mad? No..." I said calmly. "I'm furious!"

He gave me a puppy dog smile. "I already hid the keys, so... Yeah." He smiled innocently.

"I'm going to kill you!" I screamed.

His sober smiled at me and quickly opened his door and ran out.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

I need to find the keys.


Hi people.
This chapter was dedicated to kennaree10 for commenting and voting so much. They are amazing.

Short chapter, I know.

Party next chapter.


Jerry the imaginary fox will be featured in the next chapter.



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