Why Maria

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Hey guys sorry it takes a bit to update but as I promised here is a better longer chapter.❤️

Maria's pov:
Marilyn walked to the stage to the screaming crowd. My clicking heels sounded as I walked to the refreshment table and got a water. I felt bad for leaving Marilyn before wishing him luck, but I could just feel my body dehydrating. The sweat dripped freely from my face causing my makeup to begin running. I took a big gulp of the fresh ice cold water and finished off half the bottle. The liquid felt so cool in my mouth. It soothed my over worked voice momentarily. A few seconds later, and I was hearing Marilyn's soothing voice. The tune that played was my favorite song of his. "suicide is painless. It brings out many changes" I sang softly along with his raspy soft voice. Then it hit me.... The memories and flashbacks that reoccur at random... The abuse. The hate.. The molestation.. I woke from my memories only to find Marilyn in front of me smiling. "Did you like the show?" I looked up at him, and smiles like I had been paying attention. " Yeah!! It was great!" I beamed. "Cool! Cool. So I was wondering um.." he stopped and looked sheepish. "what were you wondering?" I asked persistently. "Well.. do you wanna hang out later? We haven't had much time to catch up really..." his voice was shaky. "Yeah definatly! How is now?" I didn't want to see Andrew really. "Tonight would be great!" He said. then Andrew walked in. "Hey Babe" he said and kissed me. "H-hey Andrew.. What are you doing here?." I said sounding kinda disappointed he was here. Marilyn looked shocked, and slightly hurt. Andrew is my boyfriend.. Although he cheated on me four months ago, and I find it really hard to forgive him.. " I remembered your show was today and I came to watch it. I'm also a big fan of Marilyn himself." he said with a toothy smile. "Well thank you for the support, but me an Marilyn have plans on hanging out tonight." I said truthfully. he spoke again only less enthusiastic "Alone?" I glared at him a little. He cheated on ME!! And now he wants to be hesitant towards ME?! "Yes alone. Im not the one who cheated on someone they're supposed to love.. I think I should have some fucking trust" I snapped at him. "Okay go then! Have fun..." he snapped back. "fine!!" I yelled and grabbed Marilyn's hand and lead him out the door to piss off Andrew. Marilyn was in shock though. " You have a B-boyfriend!" He said trying to act calm. I could tell that the subject of what happened made him nervouse. "Yeah... He's a dick though..."Marilyn frowned. "How is he a dick?" I turned and looked up at him and said " He cheated on me a little while ago, and doesn't even act like its a big deal..." "Oh.. Im sorry.." Marilyn said. He seemed like he didn't want to talk about the subject anymore, so I changed it. "So um.. What do you wanna do?" I asked him. he thought for a moment. "Theres a restaurant I hear is pretty good. do you wanna check it out?" I smiled knowing he was okay. "yeah that sounds great!" We get in his car and he drives off. "Do you wanna listen to some music?" I ask him in hopes he says yes. "yeah, sure" I pulled out my phone, an plugged it into his car stereo. "Do you like Slipknot?" I asked. This small twinkle formed in his eyes. "Hell yeah, of course i do!!" With that being said I turned on Duality. We then enjoyed the music singing along with one another to the song. I looked over at him. Thats when I realized I could no longer deny that this man was very attractive. Then something els hit me. "How are we in your car if we toured here on the busses?" He laughed his deep laugh and just smiles at me. " I rented it so I can get around while they fix up the busses." I felt really stupid. "oh.. I totally knew that.." I giggled. "No you didnt! Don't lie!" He said playfully. "yeah huh!" I shot back earning a little smirk. " Okay Maria, you win" I looked at in in confusion. "why do you let me win so easy?" He just pokes his tongue out at me and stays quiet. who knew he was such a playful guy? "Tell meeeee!!" I whine. He just shook his head. "no" that ass... "Fine don't then. I'll be mad at you until you do!" I said childishly. "Fine then me too" it was silent for a few minutes until we got to the restaurant. He opened my door still not speaking a word. I got out silently. we walked inside and up to the front. "Table for two please." he asked the waitress. she nodded. " Right this way" We followed her to the table still not speaking to one another. The waitress gave us our menus and asked what we would like to drink. " Ill have the red wine, and what ever the lady wants. oh and could you tell her to stop being so childish?" He asked " Um.. yes I will get your wine but I cant make that sort of comment to the lady." the girl said nervously. Marilyn raised up a five. "How about now?" He asked bribing the girl. she looked at the money. she looked like she was in need of it for some reason. "Its okay hun you can ask me." she smiled. Marilyn raised his eyebrow. He gave the girl the money and she turned to me. "Um miss what would you like to drink? Oh and the gentleman in front of you would like me to ask you to stop being childish." she said with a blush. " Well I would like the Pink wine, and I'm not being childish. He just needs to tell me the answer to a question I had for me to not ignore him anymore." the girl laughed at our little game. " Ill be back with your drinks" she said and walked off. I glanced at Marilyn once in a while, and he would just look back with that smug smile of his. I blushes at his adorable look, but I refused to give up. A few minutes later the waitress returned with our wine and to take our orders. She went to me first probably to avoid the same encounter as before. "May I take your order now miss?" I smile at her and order. " Ill take the chicken Alfredo" She wrote it down. She turned to Marilyn now and he ordered. "umm the bacon cheese burger and a side of fries. Thank you." She wrote it down, and scurried off. finally he broke. "You really wanna know what is was don't you?" He laughed a little. I shook my head yes still refusing to talk. "I let you win cause your adorable, and I couldn't help myself." I laughed at him. "That was it??! Thats the while reason we've been ignoring each other?!?!" He blushes and slouched down in his seat a little. The confidence he once had vanishing. "Its okay, don't worry." I assured him. "Whats not okay is you ordering a bacon cheese burger with wine!!" I teased him. "What?! Is deliciouse!!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes at him. "Why Maria..." He said suddenly getting kinda serious. "W-what do you mean?" I asked confused and nervous. "Why do you stay with a man that cheats on you?" I took a deep breath. I knew this moment was coming. "I don't know Marilyn.." I said honestly. His once smile was now a frown. luckily the waitress was back with our food. We ate and drank our wine, when we were done we went back to the rental car. "Do you want me to take you to your room?" He asked sweetly. "Can I go to your hotel room tonight? I don't want to go to Andrew right now.." He frowned at Andrews name. "Of course you can." His eyes told me he wanted it just as much as I did. We went to his room when we got to the hotel and we went inside. my heels began clicking on the tile once more. "Would you like some more wine?" He asked and I nodded in response. He got out the wine bottle from I side the little fridge in the room. He poured some inside of two cups, and handed one to me. "You have been so nice to me all night Marilyn.. Why is that?" I asked. remembering how badly Andrew really treated me. "Well when I ask a pretty lady out I am gonna be respectful and pay for it all." I blushes at the word 'pretty' "Do you really think I'm pretty?" I asked my heart swelling. "Of course i do. I think your absolutely beautiful." He said shyly. Before I could even stop myself I was kissing him. His soft lips kissed back. I was melting into the kiss, when he pulled me onto his lap. I tangled my finger in his hair, and he held back a small groan.

Thank you guys for reading Scallys!! Hope you all enjoyed! Oh an sorry not sorry for the cliff hanger! ;) Anyways bye!! -<3- Captaincherrykitty

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