Goodbye for now my love

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Marylins pov:

I couldn't wrap my head around this. I couldn't think strait. Was she telling the truth or just another lie. I don't know if I can take anymore heart break. I also don't want to hurt her, or lose her... She is so very dear to me.. I guess I must have stayed quiet too long because she spoke again. "Marylin...? " I let out a loud sigh.. "Maria... I just... I don't know..." I said sadly. I could tell she was forcing back tears, but I didn't know if it was possible to stop them this time... I love her. I really do... I just don't think I can handle this right now... "Marilyn.. what do you mean?.." her voice cracked. Tears threatened but I blinked them back. "I don't think I can deal with all of this right now... I care for you. I care so much for you that I can't be with you now.. If I lose you now Maria I wouldn't be able to be alive. While you we're gone I took a fucking knife to my throat. The only reason I don't cut it is because I won't put my fans through that. It wouldn't just be my life that I'm ending..." I admitted. "You would have been ending mine as well..." She whispered. This time tears did fall from my eyes. I did cry. I've never cried in front of anyone in years, but here I was weeping like a child.. "Maybe I should go... I just want you to know that no matter what I will always love you Marilyn..." She got up and walked out. Thats the last I saw of her.

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