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Maria's pov:
He yelled in my face.. I've hurt him so Badly. Should I leave Andrew? He's all I know... What if I leave him for Marilyn, but Marilyn doesn't want me or grows to hate me?... He's too good of a man for me. My phone began ringing and I ignored it. It rang again and then once more so I finally answered it. "Hello?..." I said in barely a whisper. "Maria I'm sorry babe... I should have never accused you. I know you better than that. Just... Please come back to me." I couldn't breath. I didn't want to go back.. although I don't want to sleep on the street either. "I-ill be there in a bit." I forced out. I picked myself up off of the floor and walked back inside the hotel. When I finally got to the room I walked inside and hung up my coat into a hook. I went looking for Andrew and he was no where at first. Then I saw him walk out of the living room and he had this demonic smirk on his face. He walked towards me and I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I stepped away a bit ,but he just got closer. "Whats wrong princess? You keep stepping away. Come here." He said in this monotone voice. I shook my head getting scared and backed up more. "Maria come here NOW " he commanded. I turned and tried to run away but he grabbed me and threw me to the floor. "You trying to run baby?! Trying to get away!? Not under my watch." He shouted and walked up to me and grabbing my hair to pull me off the ground. "Ow fuck!! Andrew stop!!" I yelled. He brought his hand up and slapped me across the face. My cheek stinged and I cried out. "P-please Andrew! I'm so sorry!... Let me go!" I begged and the look in his eyes was amusement. He was amused at my pleading. The look in his eyes brought back memories of my dad doing this exact same thing.... Tears spilled on my cheeks and he would wipe that smirk off his face. I struggled to get away and he just held tighter. "So you like fucking that pathetic thing!? You like when he touches you the way I should!? I fucking heard everything you whore!! I should have fucking known. Music says a lot about someone... What we're those lyrics again?" He looked at me expectantly... Did he want me to say them!? He got angry when I didn't answer. "Fucking say it!?" He growled. I stayed silent, and he slapped me again. My cheek burned, and I caved. "I-i can be your w-whore...." I said in tears. He smiled again get ng in my face. "And that's what you will be you whore!" He began pulling my clothes off and I struggled. "Andrew no!! Please stop!! I won't do it again!! I'm sorry!" I cried out hysterically. He just got worse. He pushed me on my hands and knees forcing my pants down. "ANDREW STOP!! PLEASE!!! MARILYN!!!!! MARILYN HELP!!!! PLEASE STOP!!!" Andrew was inching closer to me and I heard the door bust down. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!!!!" I heard Marilyn scream. "WHO THE FUCK SAY I HAVE TO!?" Andrew screached back. I fell to the floor limp and exposed. The next thing I saw was Marilyn grabbing Andrews collar and forcing him off of me. He punched his face a few times and Andrew attempted to fight back but Marilyn was too much for him. "You think you can just fucking take advantage of a woman like that!?!? Huh!?! You think your big and tough for hitting and raping her!? I will fucking kill you!!! Never put your hands on her again! Better yet never come near her again you fucking bastard!!!" He screamed while choking Andrew on the floor. He hit Andrew a few more times and Andrew went limp, and knocked out. Then he came to me and picked me up bridal style. He carried me to his room and onto the bed. He sat next to me and I curled up to him weeping and him soothing me. I fell asleep with a tear stained face...

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