Chapter 37

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"And you're absolutely positive that this is exactly what Mr. Knight himself has requested you to relay?"

I repeat myself, looking hesitantly at the young girl standing in front of me. She is one of Skylar's new recruits, fresh out of university and surprisingly remarkable at her work for someone so new to the ropes of the vicious corporate world, yet she lacked confidence and was almost always fidgety. She reminded me way too much of myself when I had just begun out, which isn't that long ago now that I think of it.

"yes, Mrs. Knight, this was precisely it. Oh, and also he asked me to deliver this envelope to you after relaying his message." she speaks again, her voice low but stable.

She reaches out and hands me a neat black card, Hayden's signature matte black card, and I observe it dubiously. Hayden's been acting so ....curiously lately, if one may put it like that. Few days ago he barged into my office, and I was so frantic that something major had gone down or something crucial had come undone, but he hadn't said anything, in fact he had said nothing at all, just held me, and left as abruptly as he'd come. I looked into all the important matters after his departure and everything seemed to be in place and I wasn't able to find anything that could explain getting THE Hayden Knight all worked up like he was.

It worried me to no end, and any attempts to talk to him about it would be rebuffed so effortlessly I wouldn't catch on it until long after.  I hardly saw enough of him in the last few days to confront him about it or just to even talk about it for that matter, and eventually ended up giving up. I am sure whatever it is, he'll tell me about it himself, in his own time.

The young girl excuses herself out of my office and I smile and nod politely in acknowledgement. I make a quick mental note to transfer her services to me arena, Hayden always keeps the new recruits on edge and I'll offer this one a saving grace. Besides, he already has the best of the best flittering about him, more than eager and obviously desperate to put their skills on display for the infamous CEO with a reputation of ruthlessness.

I open the folded black card to find within it one singular line of message. Basically what the young girl told me herself. I stare at the letters on Hayden's signature black card, feeling incredibly curious about the whole set up. 

"Tonight. The Beach. 6 pm.

That's it. That was the message. It didn't matter he hadn't specified where exactly I was to show up, I knew immediately which beach and which spot he was referring to.


I fiddle nervously as the car stops, not knowing what to expect from this, a gazillion different thoughts and sequences playing out in my mind.

"Miss?" Ben asks from the driver's seat, looking at me from the rearview mirror, visibly concerned since its been some 8+ minutes since we arrived and I am yet to exit the car.

"y-yes, I'll only take a moment."

"Take two, its all we really have to ourselves." he says understandingly, and the presence of his warm, gentle, understanding soul helps massively to take off the edge a little bit.

Okay Aves, stop overthinking. It'll all be good. I think of the last time Hayden and I were at this location and I can honestly pin that to be one of the best times of my life, something that I'll forever cherish for the rest of my life. The way Hayden looked at me that night, the way it was the most coolest night, with soft winds and the full moon, the way we chased each other across the sands, the way the waves crashed and soared against itself, the way he kissed me, every single thing about that night was perfect; so it'll be absolutely fine now as well.

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