Chapter 9

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Our reception was every bit as grand as our wedding was. Everything was over the top extravagant and stupendous.
Anything less than that was obviously not acceptable.
The sole emperor of the massive Knight Enterprises was NOT to have a wedding that would pass as ordinary.
Unfortunately for everyone involved, that is all that I was. Ordinary. Painfully and completely ordinary.

My beautiful, wholesome moment with my dad was over as soon as Hayden and I were pronounced 'Man and Wife". He was back to being cold, distant and curt. But atleast now I know that somewhere deep down he only wants the best for me. Although that does not justify selling me off and I think a part of me will always hold this against him how he traded me off, but now it sure doesn't sting as much.

All these thoughts plague my mind as I am sitting in the car that's taking me to Hayden's house. I was told that I will not be going to the Knights Family Residence.
Helen insisted that the 'newly weds' should be spending more time getting to know each other in the privacy and comfort of Hayden's personal premises, since the whole engagement and wedding had taken place in such a haste. Hayden had barely agreed to it and god alone knows where he is right now. I doubt that he was attending to any business matters at this time and well, his reputation did precede him.

As we went through the security clad gates of the house, I couldn't help but gape at the sight before me. His house was massive, considering how he was the only one living here.
Well its not going to be just him anymore, I think and couldn't help but sigh.

Stepping off of the car, I wondered if Hayden was already here or if he'd arrive later.
His house was beautiful, to say the least.
Not feeling comfortable in just flinging the doors open and marching in, like this magnificent mansion belonged to be, I hesitantly rang the bell which was next to the intercom.

A gentle voice responded on the intercom right away and opened the massive doors immediately.
An elderly woman stood on the other side and welcomed me inside.
"Hello Mrs. Knight, I am Julia, the caretaker" she introduces herself.
My voice stuck in my throat the instant she referred to me as Mrs. Knight and I could only manage to politely nod and smile.

"Come this way." She guides me.

I enter Hayden's mansion and my mouth falls open. It was five times bigger than it looked like from the outside. The whole mansion was constructed with sleek and modern design, making it look intimidating with the most elegant touch of woodwork. It seemed like the whole house had some kind of theme.

Grey and Black contrasts spewed all over the place giving it a very unique yet marvelous look. I looked around and I knew just what this place was supposed to look like. An expensive bachelor pad. There were only about three floors but it was massive.

"The left wing is entirely Mr. Knight's private quarters where no one is allowed except for the house staff. He wishes it to remain that way and to not be disrupted of his privacy" Julia says softly, like she disapproves of this whole separation thing.
I on the other hand couldn't be more happier because the idea of sharing a room with Hayden, the most dangerous man I've ever come across isn't exactly comforting.

She guides me upstairs and shows me my room.
"This is your room Mrs. Knight, all of your things have already been shifted here so please make yourself at home" she says her eyes ever so soft and kind and I couldn't help but feel a wave of warmth wash over me.

"Please call me Avery." I say softly, almost pleading at her. I don't know how I'll deal with constantly being referred to as Mrs. Knight now.

"Are you sure Mrs. Kni-"
"Please, just Avery" I repeat hoping she catches the desperation in my voice.

"Yes, of course Miss, I'll just be taking a little time getting used to it, I hope that's okay" she says kindly.

"Absolutely Julia, I'd like it very much" I smile at her.

"Please settle down and rest for the night. I will show you more of the house tomorrow when you're all fresh and rested." She says closing the door.

I look around my room, gaping at it. It was ten times bigger than my old room back home. Unlike the rest of the house my room was mostly white without any tinges of black or grey. I was glad, I preferred it better this way.

I walk towards two doors and opened it to reveal a massive walk in wardrobe. If Olivia was here she would have squealed her heart out. I smile sadly missing her. True to Julia's word all my clothes, shoes and even undergarments had been arranged perfectly inside my wardrobe, but it was so big that even with all of my possessions within, atleast 80% of the wardrobe looked empty.
I pick a pair of modest pyjama shorts with a light blue graphic tee shirt and step out of my wardrobe.

I open the door, left to my walk-in wardrobe, to reveal the most exquisite washroom. White, sleek marble glistened on the floor and I walked towards the sleek sink with handsoap, toothpaste and toothbrush already sitting there. I look up at the mirror still in my reception dress and I suddenly had the strongest urge to get rid of it all. My makeup, my expensive gown everything that reminded me of the very unfortunate turn of events.
I hurried into the shower and scrubbed myself clean helping myself to my peach scented body wash.
Drying myself, I change into my grey shorts and blue tee that I had picked up earlier and exited the washroom.

I walk over and step out into the balcony, and I lean against the hand rail, loving how the slightly cold breeze washed over me, calming me down. The night was beautiful and I just couldn't help the tears that flowed down my cheeks.

I was officially married to the dangerous and ruthless Hayden Knight. Whose very name had me shaking with fear. I still couldn't believe it. How and why was this necessary. Why was it so important for him to marry me.
Me. Someone who was yet to have her first kiss. Someone so pathetically ordinary.

I could have spent my whole night outside, but it started getting too chilly and the exhaustion of the whole day finally dawned all over me and I felt tired to even just walk over to the bed.

Staggering I fall face first into my bed. My eye lids becoming immediately heavy, a result from not sleeping properly for days and from sobbing so much.

And as I finally welcomed the sleep washing over me, I realized Hayden still hadn't come home and I knew then that I was given a magical dream wedding but I was never going to have a marriage.


Hey guys!!
I hope you're all good and doing well. Personally, I am not v satisfied with this chapter but I promise Strings will pick up its pace once again.
Please continue voting and commenting!
I love to know what my readers are thinking and what they expect to happen next so DONT hold back ;))
Until next time!
Much much love.

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